Something like shoot for the moon, if you miss you’ll die alone in the void far from the stars.
Something like shoot for the moon, if you miss you’ll die alone in the void far from the stars.
It forces players to focus on the game no matter how much of an advantage they have.
Mormons are about as Christians as Muslims. The only reason they are not lumped together is because they are mostly melanine-deficient.
That just sounds like they were trying to fetch a few resources and the request timed out.
True. We don’t have masterpieces like “Spock’s Brain” anymore. /S
Assuming you mean discount, they pay the third party the agreed value, and give the discount from their percentage.
Wikipedia has some examples; they are always super helpful in cases like this.
That’s also an important lesson.
To clarify the lessons would be
You don’t need to go back to TikTok. At least going by the memes RedNote seems to have an healthier and more wholesome environment, so if you are going to remain in a gilded cage of a social network, might as well make it the one with broader views.
As much as there were parts of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and even the Soviet Union that preferred to be part of Germany than part of the country they were in 1939.
Ordoliberalism and Christian Democracy are both clearly right wing ideologies and both defend basic social programs like universal healthcare.
Funny you say that, because Chinese apps like tiktok can’t ever be compliant with GDPR, and American ones are fully reliant on an executive order where Biden pinky swore to not use the Cloud Act against GDPR.
What if I think Facebook and Twitter should be shit canned too?
Portugal, but I would be surprised if it’s much different in the rest of western Europe.
In my home country the only debts that can’t be cancelled by a personally bankruptcy are debts to social security, taxes, and credits acquired through fraud.
The caveat is that court will take over your personal finances and property for 3 years and try to pay as much debts as possible before the process is finished.
Nice comment that ignores the fact that hate speech actively harms people.
It also ignores that there are recognized limits to free speech everywhere - try to discuss the best way to murder someone in public and see what happens.
Human rights are supposed to protect human dignity, so free speech, like any other right, needs to be interpreted in that light.
Chinese companies are in a catch 22 in Europe because Chinese law is completely incompatible with EU privacy laws.
And American companies are one executive order away from being in the same situation.
That’s an understatement, it would also add a bunch of alcohol and all kinds of sugars and proteins inside every single cell. I bet that would instantly mess up every single biological process.
Before modern electronics it was even more useful than gold, whose only function was being shiny - and the gold stored in vaults is not even doing that.