• 72 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Oh no, he was dumb, she was super into me then. He wasn’t consoling or anything but saying she was not pretty enough for me. I liked her for her depth and interests. He was a curiosity because he was into videography before YT, but had no depth beyond that one interest at the time. He had a misogynistic conquest like disposition that I do not share. At the time, this disposition was something I did not understand.

  • I really liked a girl, asked her out once when I was way too young. Had a friend tagging along. After, he said I could do better. The guy was an idiot, but the words had an impact on me at the time. I forget about her and moved on. I was super busy with a new business anyways.

    Later, I started dating this other girl. Turns out she was best friends with the first. The three of us did everything together for years. I never did anything with the first, but found myself just as attached to both in a unique way. The first even dated a friend if mine for awhile. When I broke up with the second, me and the first dated for a short while, but I ended up moving out of state and things didn’t work out.

  • I choose to abstract and never attack anyone, while you insult, and make assumptions about my disposition going as far as assigning them an ideology and framework that seems repugnant and baseless to me. I see and feel lots of projection and bias, but if causing a disabled person in social isolation harm makes you feel better, I’m glad you had a better day. The comments seem so randomly unrelated it feels like you are possibly a misinformation agent of some sort.

  • The little shadow tiger has decided she does not like the cold tile floor in the kitchen on her little paw pads in the mornings. So she does this little hoppy move sideways into almost a gallop before the hind legs get into as much of a hurry as the front and nearly send her rolling out of the kitchen into the safe carpet of the living room

  • Male loneliness is likely partially due to the same reason we are all here; this online outlet for social endorphins is why you were not building up a deficit over the last week and felt the motivation to finally call that person you were thinking about this whole time. That person was a passing thought, and the endorphins hit you might have received is ultimately less than you got from the austere but consistent dose you get from social engagement online.

    The only problem is that you are not creating a meaningful personal social network in real life. When you really need such a network in practice, you face the reality of no one to turn to, or less depth and meaning to such connections. Real people are also complex and you must face the reality that no one fits your echo chamber bubble like a place like this. If you act like a down vote or stupid hot take comes across here to people in the real world… you find yourself back here with less options in the future.

  • I just view the wedding and expectations as a filter. I almost married a girl like that, but we were terrible for each other and just two addicts of the hide the sausage game.

    Now, I don’t hold such aspirations against people that have them, but I am not interested in the types of persons that are so susceptible to American consumerism or gender dichotomy. There is a ton of misogyny in this paradigm and the whole economic model that goes along with this system is totally dead. Only the super rich have the whole trophy wife type dynamic that goes along with the extravagant wedding fantasy. Anyone that wants to start life with massive debt for a day of commercialism and DeBeers’ validation of true love through a chunk of industrial cutting tool medium, is totally unattractive to me as a partner. The value is on the relationship. 100 years ago it was nothing more than a back yard event in your Sunday best and a community potluck with no extravagance beyond. That is all a wedding is meant to be.

    At this point, ownership over another person is a primitive concept. I feel like marriage in the western sense is harmful. I would much rather engage with a partner that is always welcome and able to leave at any time, exactly the same as me. I want to always remember that I need to compel them to stay, and the inverse as well. Getting married is not some excuse to stop trying or building a relationship. I don’t want that end game mentality. I also don’t want to marry the judiciary and give them power over me unless it is to my advantage to do so.

  • Not sure if it is technically correct, but I think of it like the momentum of Earth’s atmosphere. It takes a lot of momentum to alter the system. The days getting a little longer by a few minutes depending on latitude makes little difference. We are still dropping in average temps the further towards the poles.

    Riding a bicycle everywhere for years in Southern California, this was something I would think about a lot on the commutes in the dark of winter, and the wind and rain patterns. Like here, I know if it will rain based on the wind direction alone. I only check the weather when I’m too lazy to go outside or something odd is happening. After the solstice there seems to be more turbulence that is added to the system. There is more of a back and forth between on an off shore flow patterns. It is our rainy season here, and we have nights get around 10°F cooler. This is when I break out my 40°F layers. On a bike, everything is still skin tight. I can shed some layers but don’t like to stop to do that. I have specialty gear for every 10°F of temperature drop. If I wear 40-50°F gear in 50-60°F temps, I will sweat like crazy and then freeze from being wet. I wear my coldest gear a lot less than I did 15 years ago, but I still haven’t needed it this year. I will in the months to come.

    Most people are not connected to the weather and outside world very directly like this in the West. In my experience, the solstice marks the low point where I have around 6 weeks until things start getting better.

  • A tablet is mostly battery. If you can take it apart, do so and just bend it back in place.

    Inside of most lithium batteries, it is basically a long set of ribbons that form a stack. They are wet like a clay and kinda oily (but still contained) on a ribbon like paper that is the width of the battery case/pocket. Then there are some layers of thin plastic that insulate the lithium ribbon.

    It is not impossible that damage could occur to the center of a cell, but it is less likely unless the dent is sharp. The primary place that a cell gets damaged and where it causes problems is in the ends of the roll. If the end of the roll gets mashed, it is much more likely that layers can shorted out.

    The thing to keep in mind is that something like a gasoline powered car uses a fuel mix of around 14 parts of air to 1 part of fuel. That means the atmosphere of Earth is providing a lot of your fuel requirements and it makes gasoline effectively like a super dense energy source. A lithium battery is proving all of the total energy in a single container. You don’t get to remove oxygen from the equation if things go south. You need a way to contain the situation if things go wrong.

    Over discharging reduces the life and maybe some capacity, but the main issue is if it will charge at all. Most lithium batteries have a specification for charging them from fully discharged, but not all charge controllers implement the circuit block that is required. All lithium chargers (should) have a duel mode where it is current limited then voltage limited. The fully discharged state requires a very low current trickle charge until the cell hits a certain voltage before raising the current.

    The main concern is localized thermal run away. If it starts getting unusually hot or expanding, you’re likely in trouble.

    I’ve built robots and cat toys with lithium batteries and things like battle bots have them too. If you’re always supervising and have a container and a plan if things go wrong, you can be fine. What you can’t do is charge overnight or leave it unsupervised at all.