Oh yeah I do this, I’ll raise you that mine also sshs into my server to update the editor theme
Oh yeah I do this, I’ll raise you that mine also sshs into my server to update the editor theme
Hey that’s pretty good, I’m gonna steal it. It might even be worth making a pullrequest to update swaylock to have a flag to do this, I use waybar and it has a lock inhibit button that I use before I start watching anything, but automating it like this is seems super nice
wait till they’re under the water to say that
I agree even a little bit of alcohol is unhealthy, but that’s backed up by the science on the topic. Classic psychedelics (shrooms, lsd, mescaline) are extremely safe tho, less impactful to health than an unhealthy meal. If health is that important to you, at least have a consistent and evidence based perspective on it.
Complimenting appearance everyday is a misguided thing to promise, it’s better to compliment things people have more direct control over, and it’s better to understand the person and their love languages and show love in a way that they’ll appreciate the most. Never looking at another woman sexually is an impossible standard which you’re better off not promising.
If you really are a tren goblin you should stop taking unhealthy recreational drugs before you worry about drugs other people use. Like another user said, don’t expect anything you can’t bring to the table for them.
Also, the health of recreational drug use varies wildly. Having one drink of alcohol each night is different to getting very drunk every friday and saturday is different to going on cocaine benders every weekend is different to smoking a bit of weed after work is different to tripping on shrooms once or twice a month. Some of those have huge negative side effects on health, some have zero impact.
Cause they’ll never get to see her do this?
Yeah I only really use it for personal stuff for that reason. There’s a vscode plugin, but last time I tried it it was really slow
A keyboard and terminal based text editor, similar in some ways to neovim, vim, and vi
Agree on all counts. I didn’t like finding and comparing plugins for neovim, and then wrestling with environment stuff to get them to work, and having to change a bunch of options to get nvim to work how I want. With helix, my config of things I’ve changed from default is very small, and there’s no wrestling with plugins.
And yeah, “select then act” feels a lot smoother and more intuitive to me. If you like that and like plugins tho, check out kakuone
I used neovim but recently switched to helix and highly recommend it. If you haven’t tried nvim yet, give helix a try before deciding. A good way to compare is do the tutorial of each and see which you like more nvim +Tutor
and hx --tutor
(orhelix --tutor
If you’re a current vim user the helix keybindings are only a small learning curve after the tutorial, and feel a lot smoother imo
The replacement rate isn’t static. It depends on both how many people exist and how many people are having babies and how many babies they’re having. If the total number of babies per year stays constant, then whether it’s below or above the replacement rate depends on the size of the population. So for a hyper simplified example, if 100 babies are born per yer, that’s below replacement for a population of 110, but above replacement for a population of 90, but overall the population size will trend towards 100. Obviously real life is way more complicated, but even if the birth rate is low now, it’s far more likely we’re just moving towards a different population size, not a population of zero
I don’t think hunters would be all that concerned
Depends on the person, why they’re using it, how often they use it, whether they’re addicted to it or not etc. Probably more acceptable within AA than NA, but idk.
Yuppp. The fact that trump wants to find a way to force biden to stay on the ticket speaks volumes
in this analogy, the hot dogs/hamburgers (whichever one is biden) are moldy and you get yelled at for wanting something a bit fresher
Not a strawman, I saw it here on lemmy
Nah people would get fucking pissed if you said you didn’t like biden. I’ve seen lots of pretty standard anti-biden (not the genocide joe trolls, those deserve the hate imo) comments get blasted, and to avoid it you had to write a whole disclaimer about how you’re still going to vote against trump before you could get to the criticism of biden, or even just saying you think he should drop out. And if you thought he should drop out you had better have had a replacement in mind too
Does it matter if someone has integrity if they always do the right thing?