Oni! <3
Oni! <3
As an older gamer I want the opposite: shorter games. I don’t have the time to sink.
Scuse but I bought a bike in my mid 20s for a few grand wtf kinda bike you holding out for? Like 2300 all in. It wasn’t a beauty, it wasn’t in pristine condition but it got me in and I learned a lot. You have to be realistic with expectations.
I will never understand bumper stickers.
Funny enough I work in the opposite end of the spectrum with embedded firmware. But even I can see the value of webdev.
Web dev solves a simple UI pattern kinda elegantly for rapid development. I don’t disagree with where you’re coming from but I think your last take away is a mischaracterization of why it’s used.
Oh shut it. Wear whatever you like.
Turtles don’t wear shells. They are their shells.
Meh. Space spending is never bad.
That’s a piggy back ride and I won’t be convinced otherwise until full pic is revealed.
Screw that.
We won. Not even close.
Speak for yourself I use both controllers and kbm for my PC games. The input method isn’t really worth crying over.
I believe it’s your brain but that’s not mutually exclusive from dumb.
I wouldn’t say bad, but inefficient might be fair. Unoptimized I think is more representative.
I run mine manually, good to know. Will check it out.
Tipping culture aside, how is the US so behind the times on payment systems? Everywhere else you tap on a machine, and if tip is needed you can enter the percent or dollar amount. What is this paper signing bull shit from the 60s?
Counterpoint against the image, cheese fondue is highly overrated so that’s money well saved.