Leaky bucket watered flowers along the path!
Leaky bucket watered flowers along the path!
That’s typically what you get in return for an investment. The only question is if it’s enough of a share to give control or at least influence.
“Research it on my own”? By doing what? Running clinical trials? We have experts as a society for a reason.
You’re probably the kind of person who thinks it’s a massive government overreach that you’re forced to wear a seatbelt.
“Hey guys, I think vaccines cause autism but THE LEFT won’t let me spread my bullshit online!
Isn’t that the same thing as platforming actual Nazis???”
Why is it better than unmatched 401k?
You can tell this is the look he was going for by his calling downvoters “simpletons”.
Aw man, I loved opposing force so much! The idea of having allies (with their own infinite ammo!) to fight for you was everything I had ever wanted in a game.
Important context, I would say
Maybe a family member? He’s old enough to see a grandparent have the quality of their last days stolen.
You’re talking about the 80s. Skinheads are from the 60s, and also not from the United States. Like I said, nazis co-opted the look, but it didn’t start with them.
Skinheads are not a nazi offshoot fyi.
Not going to argue that nazis have co-opted the shaved head thing, but the actual skinheads would happily beat the shit out of a nazi any day.
It would seem to do that, yes. You don’t even have to be abroad, as you could easily be stationed in a different state from your “home” residence.
This has no effect on federal elections of course, and so I think it’s not that unreasonable to say that you only get to vote on local issues if you are living locally.
Oh you mean like the guy he was replying to?
Actually not all dogs just have their tongue out all the time. Mostly they pant when they get hot.
With the possible exception of games that were canceled, those are all examples of super scummy nonsense.
Yeah he’s not asking that question in good faith.
Not saying you can’t, but is it the “best”?
I love building websites in C!
Oh really? There’s one language that’s “best” in all contexts and for every single use case? Care to enlighten the rest of us oh wise one?
They do controlled burns, but the ability to do that safely has been hampered by years of drought conditions. At least Democrats admit climate change exists I guess?