Content quality is very subjective, as in that’s just your opinion. Other players may think it’s good.
Content quality is very subjective, as in that’s just your opinion. Other players may think it’s good.
I develop C# on Linux, but I run the full VS inside of a Windows 10 VM.
Newsflash: Not everyone is a teenager on lemmy, many of us have spouses and children.
My wife is still playing this, going on 4 years.
Also Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
Sea of Thieves. Revisiting it after several years of not playing it, and finding it just as much fun now as it uses to be.
The article states the layoffs will affect the UK division and EU division, I am assuming you are basing your statement on US laws. states that you will get paid for X number of weeks depending on how long you have been in your job.
Powerline networking is often limited by the fact that a lot of houses/apartments have multiple circuits and circuit brakes are the nemesis of powerline networking.
How is this relevant to the article?
Earlier, multiple sources had indicated that Xbox is looking to foray into third party development, with ports of several first party titles rumored to arrive on PS5 and Nintendo Switch 2
So I guess they know more about the next Switch console than the rest of us.
You are joking. But is real.
After trying Linux repeatedly for some 20 years and always returning to Windows for various reasons, Pop! OS finally seems like a Linux distribution I can use as a daily driver. The amount of useful and concise documentation is great, my hardware is all supported and automatically configured, i.e. I don’t have to mess around with obscure config files to get either audio or wifi working, it works on first boot.
I started dating at age 30, met my wife when I was 35 and we’re still married now 8 years later. My father-in-law met his girlfriend when he was 50 and they’re still together now 15 years later.
They will offer it as an optional service and charge you for it. So yes they use it.