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I was raised evangelical protestant in the USA, at some point attending both Seventh-day Adventist and Pentacostal churches. My mother did not consider my Catholic grandparents to be Christians, based on her belief that one cannot be saved by confession/prayer to a saint or clergy instead of directly to Christ. As many other have said, this is not the mainstream definition.
There are kids around, so it’s gonna be real bad.
Since you have LAN parties in mind, be sure to check this list to know what games are (or are not) well supported by Proton under Linux.
Proton is the compatibility layer that allows Seam games developed for Windows to run under Linux. Some games, unfortunately, may have problems that cause you to be left out.
I grew up next to a stop sign in a tiny town straddling a one-lane road that by some joke of fate was the the most efficient automobile route between two points of much greater interest.
To me, the sound of a big diesel engine idling at a stop is the sound of a peaceful winter night with my bedroom window open.
You know how this goes, right?
The resulting thirst for scientific knowledge results in unparalleled technological advancement, but also an endless demand deciduous teeth for further experimentation. Eventually their personally-developed, secretly manufactured and deployed microdrone monitoring network alerts them every time any child loses a tooth in the Western world. Slightly larger drones sneak into the home and collect the tooth. In an attempt to avoid further pressing of ethical boundaries, the drones are equipped to carry in small amounts of currency that are left in place of the tooth. Your family, more literally and on a larger scale than any family before, DOES the tooth fairy 🧚 stuff.
It’s probably Emacs, but I’m a Neovim user, so I’m going to go with that.
Farmin’ CRYPTO on YO MAMA’S dusty old COMPAQ! 🎤🫳