My kinda person. If they were local and I saw the post, I’d be there for sure.
Technically I’m an archaeologist, I guess.
My kinda person. If they were local and I saw the post, I’d be there for sure.
They meant 24 metric hours.
I’m a light sleeper with a loud mind, as well, so this kind of thing has always been a problem for me. The two main things I find helpful may not do the trick for you, but here goes:
First, trying to force myself back to sleep always just ramps my brain up worse and makes it more difficult than it already was to fall back asleep. I stopped trying to force the issue, which has counterintuitively sped up the time it takes me to fall back asleep. I don’t get up or engage my mind with anything significant, but if I’m awake, I’ll put soft music on my earbuds or scroll on my phone set to the dimmest setting. I may not fall back to sleep immediately, but I’ve found that lowering the pressure on myself to fall back asleep makes it happen more readily than when I spend 2 hours and 45 minutes being like “if I fall asleep right now, I can still get another 3 hours. go to sleep. fall asleep. sleep will happen… now!”
Second, I’ve increased my oversell magnesium intake. I know you said no substances, but I feel like this is different. There have been a few studies–popular science type stuff, nothing peer reviewed that I know of–indicating that magnesium improves sleep quality and the ability to return to sleep if woken up. Might be the placebo effect, but I don’t care because I’ve noticed an improvement.
Sorry you have to deal with this flavor of insomnia, too. Super sucks.
When I’m really stressed out, I’ll put on repetitive beep boop music and draw floor plans on graph paper.
There are local prefixes I will never answer no matter what. I’m looking at you, 243 and 422.
I love their recipe for no bake cookies, though! Just 12-15 minutes at 375°, and you’re good to go.
I noticed on paragraph 3 of this policy-mandated letter that literally no one but me will ever read–and it’s mind-boggling that even I read it–that you referred to “December 2022.”
As it is December 2023, and December 2023 is referred to multiple times elsewhere in the aforementioned letter, can you please clarify to which month this document refers?
Thank you in advance.
Grand Theft Auto 6: Everything We Know So Far
I hate it when someone with these lights is in the passing lane behind you, and their lights reflect off your side mirror directly into your eyes. The worst is when they’re only going like 102% your speed, so they linger there unless you adjust your own speed to change their placement relative to you.
I have to make several extra every time because my wife likes to spread a portion of the filling on toast.
I’m the deviled egg family member!
Always plan on 3 full eggs for each anticipated guest, then add another half dozen. Most people will only have 1 or 2 halves, but there’s always a couple people who will go through like 10.
I worked at grocery stores for 7 years in my late teens and early 20s. People who don’t use cart corrals deserve nothing.
Decent quality automatic cat feeders.
We have 3 cats, and I resisted getting autofeeders for 5 years because it felt silly to buy what amounts to three $75 food bowls.
They paid for themselves the first weekend I didn’t have 3 razor sharp dickheads screaming at me to feed them at 5:15 AM. I should have bought them years ago.
Someone broke into my car once and just moved everything from the trunk into the driver’s seat for some reason. They didn’t even steal any of my tools, which was honestly a little insulting.
Hopefully it’s the correct limb for some of them.!
What’s the khitan word for gravel?
With that baby around, I think it’s you who needs to worry about surviving a 20-story fall.