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You know, they got a point. You gotta believe in the project, and when you do it properly, you will make the money back, and much more.
Interesting article.
I love how they are not directly taking the piss out of the quote, but going out of their way to show how there’s a vastly different meaning behind what he’s saying in opposition to what he intended.
You know, in layterms, he doesn’t fucking know the words that come out of his mouth.
Sounds like a bad idea considering:
a lot of past convicts that have been rehabilitated shouldn’t be allowed into 87.3% of all jobs
And further considering the innocence project claims that about 4% of those are false convictions.
Obviously I do not want to downplay the situation you’re in, but making society better is not done with broad brush strokes. No single person without the respective systemic knowledge will be able to design a solution for this in a matter of months.
I mean you are making a fair argument that there’s a distinction between your own morals and the binding rules in place. You are free to feel a lot of things that are very bad, but when you act on them you will bump into reality.
That said I think the original comment was meant to say that the only reason he is here is because society through the legal process has found him to be safe to work there.
Now to get beyond the feelings against him OP can obviously talk to HR and make sure they get some distance, but if the courts found him not guilty, he deserves to be there. Imagine serving years in prison, working on yourself until the government finally finds you fit enough to enter society again, only for ppl to kick you out of your job again because of something you tried so hard to leave behind. That’s why the prison system usually focuses on rehabilitation instead of punishment in most civil countries.
What I’m saying is, the court’s ruling does not have to change the way you feel, but the court also says you have no right to take his job from him unless he commits crimes again. No feeling can measure heavy enough to weigh up against the right for him to live a normal life.
Unpopular opinion: the show was kinda cool. Not because it’s very realistic, but because it had really good writing. Well except for the computer science, but that much is obvious.
Idk about that. They are literally saying they will replace gog account system with their own one. Sounds really specific to me.
I played the closed beta. For 20min. I couldn’t continue because it felt so incredibly boring. Insanely uninspired. Even Blackwake, the buggy mess with the simplest game loop was more interesting.
I have a feeling if you “game this out” beforehand it might result in the opposite. In my humble opinion I would just ask her out.
Btw let’s be clear, not an easy thing to ask someone out and it will be awkward (was for me too). But no matter what happens, it’s always better when everyone is on the same page.
Yep da gab’s schon nen Haufen an Aufrufen zur Erfassung der Nebeneinkünfte genau deswegen aber da ist nix von durchgekommen.
Unfortunately that sounds like a clear cut case. Iirc they have copyright to the creatures themselves, and that case is very straightforward to prove.
I love my pasta rizzolini
Die FDP und CDU sollen mir Mal den Backfisch buttern gehen, die haben solange ich lebe kein einziges kredibiles und wirkungsvolles Gesetz nachzuweisen. Es ist schwer eine größere Spaßpartei als ‘Die Partei’ zu sein aber momentan bringen diese Comedians ihre professionellen roten Nasen tagtäglich mit ans Rednerpult. Und dem Fakt geschuldet dass sie schon wieder einen altbewährten Trick aus dem dritten Reich benutzen und sich auf Leute stürzen die sich nicht wehren können weil sie ohnehin oft respektlos behandelt werden ist echt widerlich. Und ich mag keine Witze von Clowns die statt witzig sein auf Diskriminierung setzen. Besonders nicht wenn sie sich ihre Bühne eigentlich nie verdient haben.
Was gonna comment you’re wrong.
Turns out you’re not. Well fuck me I guess.
Had the same problem and mine had a little thing at the bottom you could turn with a screwdrive to open or close the gauge a bit. I think I fiddled with it and when I closed it a bit it got stable again.
I definitely agree on the first part. But: there’s enough ppl who want to see everything. And even if you don’t, a lot of ppl just subscribe to their favourite communities and that’s it. That’s totally fine.
Same, I missed the beta by one day and I’m so hyped