I’ve definitely had it hallucinate a feature sending me on a red herring hunt on several occasions now… Sometimes I wish I’d just used StackOverflow to begin with, but then with StackOverflow I sometimes wish I’d just read the documentation to begin with.
Alas, it won’t be a hit 100% of the time and will occasionally send you the long way round. Just like StackOverflow. But even despite this property, nobody would tell you to NEVER use StackOverflow because it SOMETIMES takes way too long to find the answer to a question easily glanced from the docs.
Spoken like a true 20 year old who has no concept of what health at 75 looks like. The alcohol hangovers will last multiple days, you might have a lung condition that prevents you from smoking, your circulation will massively shit the bed off stimulants (think racing heart, cold sweats, feeling weak, anxiety) and opioids… well, opioids might be mostly okay except for the constipation I guess. Withdrawals might incapacitate you for months though.