• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 9th, 2023


  • I had a professor get upset no one had the book on day 1. In her defense, she heavily used the book.

    She couldn’t understand that professors would make students a buy a book and never use it.

    In another class a student had asked about the book a few days in, the professor’s response was “we have a book?” He inherited the class last minute and didn’t have time to look through all the materials.

  • make it blindingly obvious to the viewer that Breakfast Is Happening™

    In others words “assume the viewer is too stupid to understand up cereal + day light + kitchen + after night time scene = breakfast.”

    That’s one issue I have with a lot of newer shows and movies. Yes the older ones were guilty of it too, but now it feels like we’re being spoonfed every detail. “Did you catch the foreshadowing?? Here lets play it 3 times in slow motion, zoom in on it, and have a character say “oh look, that might be important later””