The daily use thing isn’t going to be an issue because things like drivers and dependencies would be sorted out for end users on a machine thst is being manufactured and sold
The daily use thing isn’t going to be an issue because things like drivers and dependencies would be sorted out for end users on a machine thst is being manufactured and sold
Pretty soon it will be subscribe to console as well
Get down on your friggin knees, right friggin now, and pray with me!
but that says the bibble
He just didn’t understand their american humor
Guess you could say it’s pretty fishy
The girl all the way on the left is definitely into it.
What exactly do you mean “in good faith”?
Artists who devote their lives to being shitty people often time devote less time to actually being an artist. Yes, there are a few exceptions out there like Picasso or Dali, but most of them are awful at both art and being a human being.
sEpErAtE ThE aRtIsT fRoM tHe ArT
No, I am not joking, and I am sorry to hear that you have had friends go through that process. Addiction is nothing to joke about and it is a very real problem that can only be solved through education and treatment.
Cannabis is socially addictive at best. I used to smoke myself as I am sure we all have, it is not a substance that you have a legitimate withdrawl from save for maybe being crankier than usual. Once you’re past that, you’re done.
You have a very valid point, and I cannot really argue with that because we agree for the most part. Drafting this ftm because it is late, I’ll finish later.
No, not easier said than done. If you can’t handle something without freaking out or getting addicted, then don’t do it, but if you can take some acid without freaking the fuck out, what is wrong with that? Point to me someone who can’t stop taking something like cannabis, psychedelics, salvia, just to name a few non addictive substances.
Substance use =/= substance abuse. Just because you use them doesn’t mean you abuse them. Don’t let yourself become a slave to a substance and you will be fine.
That futurama game is worth $300 now if it is in playable condition
It’s free real estate
Do what? I didn’t skip over anything, and how am I being hostile? I’m not only agreeing with you but even adding to your points, I didn’t even comment on choosing another distro, I even mentioned in another post that you shouldn’t even choose an engaging distro to start with!
I’m sorry I came off that way, that was not at all my intention. We are on the same side, please don’t think I was trying to attack you.
dId YoU rEaD tHe WiKi? RtFm!!!
I agree that you should read the wiki first, but the wiki is a reference, not an answer to all your problems, most wiki entries are solutions that came from people on forums asking questions.
Don’t even get me started on clowns who will tell you to rtfm, then when a solution does come out, nobody documents it, AT ALL. Nothing but a bunch of gatekeeping freeloaders.
If moonring has a linux native variant, it is not going to sync saves between versions automatically, you can download the proton version of your game however and snag your game files to put in the linux native version (or honestly just play the proton version, they are usually more up to date)