Same. If I’m going to have to look at an ass for 40 hours of gameplay, I’d rather it was a woman’s ass.
The game doesn’t punish you if you knock the difficulty down to easy for that section to get through it.
It’s still around, with Oracle humping it’s corpse.
VIM may have been a very useful tool 20 or 30 years ago, but today it’s nothing else but a tool for one’s sense of superiority. It’s the vinyl of editors.
So, because you don’t understand something, it’s outdated?
If you have to type that much code in a terminal, your infrastructure is outdated. Simple as that.
Ok, I can see you have no idea what you’re talking about.
No, they’re nearly all standalone. Tales of Arise is great too.
Tales of Berseria. I loved the 40 hours I spent with Velvet and friends, but that ending really upset me and I couldn’t stop thinking about it after.
It’s a bootstrap modal, not an alert. In Firefox you can just hold shift when right clicking to bypass the js events and show the menu anyway.
Video nasty was slang for graphic horror movies, not porn. Not heard anyone say it since the 80s though.
Did you miss their username?
I love those meatballs they do in Belgian and Dutch frite shops that come in segments like a Terry’s chocolate orange.
This is “who invented the sandwich” all over again when what we really mean is “who named the sandwich”. We credit the Earl of Sandwich for the invention, but sandwiches have existed for as long as bread has. I mean there are only so many things you can do with bread and slicing it and putting other food in between is beyond obvious.
Now I’m hungry.
Kept a journal for the last 20 years and I write maybe a million words a year. I don’t read old entries because I don’t have time!
Can you live in a tent, yurt, van or other non-permanent structure?