Human penis, wolf testicles and scrotum.
Superchunk has a song hyper enough. It sounds like they say “Laughter guns” but it’s actually “Lofter winds”
Plus that graph is pretty much the same when Trump supporters talk about him securing our borders from illegal immigrants. Pretty much every country restricted border crossings at the start of Covid so yeah it was way harder for people to move around.
The Biden administration didn’t increase the amount of illegal immigration, it just returned to the line it had been on before Covid.
The word supporter of course.
How the arm got to that position matters. We know what Elon did. Unless there’s video I don’t know how the rest of those arms got raised.
but username checks out.
Yeah but most people didn’t have smartphones for a few more years. Making a smartphone required in 2008 would have been insane.
I remember coming home from shows in high school/college and I would have to shower and throw my clothes in the washer. I was so happy when smoking was finally banned in clubs.
I just put out a dog blanket for the dog to lay on top of. That way my sheets stay undogged. As a bonus she knows if that blanket isn’t laid out she’s not welcome on the bed and if it is she can come up if she wants.
No, you could act on in appropriately. Ask on a date, go in for a kiss etc whatever the situation calls for. You can’t force yourself on them or keep trying if you get turned down. But expressing your own interest is the only way either of you will know what’s going on.
My calculator got an update it won’t display 5318008 anymore.
At least it’s better than defend the dog missions.
You’re out of RDPs
Thanks, it’s definitely better now a few weeks in. I can at least sleep through the night now. Mostly I just feel a little hot and thirsty all the time which isn’t so bad in the winter and is keeping me hydrated. Antianxiety has definitely been a bonus the last few weeks.
Long story about healthcare workers.
I went to the ER for chest pains this summer. EKG was good, did a scan, and didn’t see any blockages. They determined it was probably heart burn.
I started taking prevacid and that helped but I still wasn’t feeling great. Doc said to try the three main over the counter heart burn drugs to see what worked. So I tried nexium next.
By the time I finished that bottle I was feeling very nauseous, dizzy and would get sharp quick headaches that lasted a few seconds. On top of that still feeling pain in my left shoulder/ chest area. It got to the point that one day at work I just felt so bad I had to go back to the ER.
Another round of scans and tests and they still said the old ticker looked good but did give me an IV and anti nausea that helped. The ER doc this time asked if I had anxiety and I said sure because at that moment I was very worried about my health.
They discharged me and I went home for the day and set up some doctors appointments. I went to my doc and talked about everything going on and she looked at the test results. Then she says the ER doc says you have anxiety and gives me a bunch of pamphlets about mental health and suggests talk therapy.
I’ve got nothing against therapy and could probably use some, but I don’t think it’s the cause of my chest problems. I was perfectly fine before the first ER visit. Anyways I fired her and went looking for a new doctor.
I found one and set up a physical. We did all the basics and he went over all my tests results. I felt like I was being listened to and we were getting somewhere.
His big suggestion was to lose weight… Again not a bad idea but maybe not the core of the problem. He thought that or nerve pain.
Well losing weight seems more appropriate than talk therapy so I set out doing that for a few months. I’m down about 15 lbs, got another 30 to go. Hasn’t really helped, but I am looking better.
In the mean time I’m still taking prevacid because that helped and I didn’t have any side effects. Except one time I bought a bottle of Prilosec instead by accident. I got about halfway through and started feeling dizzy, and nauseous again, so I cut that out and went back to prevacid.
I looked it up and turns out Prilosec and Nexium are closely related and do have those side effects. Nexium just was worse for me. Prevacid is a completely unrelated drug and does not cause me issues. So second ER was probably all from the Nexium and no one caught that despite me informing them of what meds I was taking.
We also scheduled a colonoscopy and endoscopy to look for a root cause of heart burn issues but found none. The new doc who told me to lose weight said let’s try a nerve blocker so I said okay. Turns out it’s also an anti anxiety med as well… so I think that suggestion was based off ER doc saying I’m anxious.
I decided to take it anyway even though I don’t think I need anti anxiety meds. It’s been two weeks and shoulder pain is pretty much gone which is great but I’m having way too many side effects from this drug. Wake up in sweats, always thirsty, low libido etc.
I go back next week to talk to doc about it see if there’s something else to try since this path seems to be working.
But which disgusting Wendy’s back alley? There’s so many!
I used to read Ctrl Alt delete and penny arcade all the time. Just stopped reading web comics at some point. Completely missed this meme for a decade on the Internet as well. Was very confused first time I came across it a few years ago.