It routinely baffles me when folks think that copy-pasting crap into and out of a chatbot somehow contributes to a conversation. It’s like half a step up from telling everyone about the dreams you had last night
Canada Dry makes a damn good zero-sugar ginger ale
To be fair, it only became Microsoft-owned after it had already become that home.
If they keep it for themselves, yes.
I rewatched that episode just this evening, and completely agree; fantastic scene. Dukat is a delightful villain throughout the series, but this is one of his pinnacles of bastardy.
Imaginary Kira supporting his twisted logic was a nice touch, too; “Being reasonable only made us bolder”
I think you mean the embryo; it takes some time after being laid for the zygote inside the egg to develop to the point it could be considered a fetus.
Hi, fat guy here. I can’t speak for others and I certainly don’t know statistically whether or not I represent any kind of majority, but I do know that for me my excessive weight is entirely the result of poor lifestyle decisions.
Parenti’s speech is also known as “The Yellow Lecture” because the surviving footage of it has a distinctive coloration.
The other reference is this meme is to a scene in Seinfeld where Kramer’s apartment is being aggressively illuminated by a big red neon sign across the street; in this case, changed to yellow.