Oh didn’t know that
Oh didn’t know that
In Sweden, a couple can choos to have a new last name not related to either.
I remembered to take the reclying to the station when I left the house this morning and I was pretty pleased with myself
My anecdote is just that, an example.
I give you my silly example. We were on a work trip with a college. We were talking in English. I said something like: I wanna try a hash brown! Never had one.
This dude replies to a conversation he wasn’t part of: THEY ARE JUST POTATO! very angrily.
Yeah… I know… Turns out I love potato
I’m glad you are here and I wish you many many healthy years ahead.
Household chores when they are experiencing the aftermath of the chemotherapies, driving them to the hospital, and allowing them to express whatever they need.
Oh yes replied to a message and not the post itself because I’m a dumb dumb sometimes
Ooooh for me, it’s those sexy German windows
Looool. Truly, as one does.
I come from social sciences. Really fun and all but I realised it was not my calling like ten years after.
Missing my thesis to finish data science. I had forgotten what it was like to have assignments. Can definitely say Indid not miss them one bit!
Me deciding to do another master degree…
hittade svensken