Pretty sure that’s a picture of the Andromeda galaxy so I’m nowhere near there. We don’t have images like that of the Milky Way for hopefully obvious reasons.
Pretty sure that’s a picture of the Andromeda galaxy so I’m nowhere near there. We don’t have images like that of the Milky Way for hopefully obvious reasons.
And if it still doesn’t work apply a flame (may reduce reuse potential but will definitely remove existing markings).
Yeah, Hank Green started making them after his wife got a headache watching a 3d movie:
It’s literally a painting of Edward Jenner inventing vaccination…
Why? Why?! Why didn’t I break his legs.
Is that a US specific term? Do British women get called Astute class nuclear attack subs?
I’m not sure they can waive the requirement that a saint be dead however, it’s sort of part of the definition…
I think her grabbing his hair with that predatory grin does as much as the word choice.
No other animal suffers from depression.
You from Hartlepool?
Probably some form of Fisherian runaway over the course of human evolution tbh.
family guy quotes and impressions.
Just so long as he didn’t do an impression of Stewie seeing a vagina for the first time…
Funnily enough the answer to that was right above your post for me
Gotta love Microsoft Power Bisexual
True programming chads don’t index at all, they just bind functions to the list monad.
Enjoy your deathtrap Americans
So you’re saying that so long as I don’t have kids I can live as recklessly as I like and claim the damage on warranty?
Yeah, just think of all those famously unprejudiced travelers of history like Christopher Columbus, Cecil Rhodes or Robert Clive…