I used to smoke. Roommate and i quit at the same time and kept each other honest. It worked out really well and we’re both still grateful to each other a decade later.
I used to smoke. Roommate and i quit at the same time and kept each other honest. It worked out really well and we’re both still grateful to each other a decade later.
Am i the only developer who actually knows how to use an editor and solves problems that are more complicated than a typo? Was this meme written by someone who just graduated from a scam coding bootcamp?
Here in the Pacific Northwest, the vast majority of people under 50 seem to be in polyamorous relationships. I’m fairly new to poly, but I’ve done a lot of reading and therapy, and it’s working out pretty well for me.
I do tend to be people’s anchor partner, so I’ve admittedly never experienced the pain that comes from being a secondary when you wish you were a primary. My anchor partner tends more towards relationship anarchy and doesn’t like hierarchical relationships, but i made it clear that my expectation is to be the priority in her life. We’ve made it work, although it takes a lot of communication.
Real talk, how do you make (non-romantic) friends as an adult? I only have 3 close friends and all 3 of us are fucking 😐
They most certainly do care. They’ve been trying to solve this problem since before occupy. The playbook back then was to plant people to give everyone second hand embarrassment and discredit movements, and it largely hasn’t changed. Billionaires spend a lot of time thinking about the guillotine.
Probably it’s more the former reason. I used to curate my experience on reddit carefully and mainly participate woman centric subreddits, and few male centric ones, and I got used to that. Lemmy looks more like what would happen if you browse default subs on reddit, which tend to be very toxic. It’s a chicken and egg problem: you won’t attract women unless there are spaces women feel comfortable, and those spaces don’t exist unless there are women there to create them.
I still find myself going back to reddit for certain niche fashion or fitness things. And when i try to get my normie girlfriends to look at lemmy, it’s hard to sell them on it. They don’t care about politics or mod drama and reddit is still better for them.
Lemmy is super uncomfy for women right now. The women i know are either still on reddit or just gave up on social media altogether.
This is obviously a “social media manager” generating “engagement”. And look at that, it works.
So I technically can’t punch down on Americans
Black trans women in the United States are routinely assaulted and raped and have an HIV+ rate of 60%. You sure about that?
My point is that targeting vulnerable groups for humor isn’t funny, it’s just bullying and it’s sad. It shouldn’t be a controversial point.
Just don’t punch down. Simple as.
I only want gay sex in media. Straight sex makes me uncomfortable.