A random tiny soundcloud account that did a parody of All Star that’s about the magical girls anime genre…now I want to find it again.
A random tiny soundcloud account that did a parody of All Star that’s about the magical girls anime genre…now I want to find it again.
A way to easily remove dust and debris without busting open the tower
The last lawn generation
Gotta do the ol’ waffle stomp
How has no one mentioned medical coder? It’s an admin job that prefers a medical background. You can get a full degree or just get certified. Your job may even pay for training depending on the facility.
Accidentally on purpose
This guy potates
Aren’t those locked with actual keys
Aren’t those locked with actual keys?
Gonna recommend this to some friends, ty
You know cell phones aren’t actually attached to the hand right? They can be left anywhere, like in another room.
Fuckin finally
They really did the fans dirty with this tour
Nice bell pepper work
horse whinnies in the distance
Doechii is truly talented