Do you have to take the prize if you win?
Do you have to take the prize if you win?
My old boss had one, for when power went out, he could back feed from his car to the house. I never touched it.
Don’t start buying records off band camp, it addictive
I had the LCD version of Ninja Gaiden
I keep getting texts from Donald for some reason
Because of the implication
I could be a nugg… nevermind, this is a situation where I don’t win. Nerd.
It’s going to absolutely dismantle the underpinning of polite society to please close minded racist “religious” fucking morons
Yeah but you gotta be on your keyboard right? Pretty sure the qwerty board is a due to trying to keep keys from jamming on a typewriter.
Man the best for learning to type was AIM in the long before times. Without that program I’d still be chicken pecking.
What do you mean “tell me you graduateed high school in 2000 with out telling me”?
Nothing you say is wrong but best practice is to constantly save regardless of auto… we’ve all been fucked by this in the past.
Wow… didn’t even read the title, saw the logo and my brain responded Rectum‽