If you have a solid torrent setup and a few hundred GBs of free space, you can support Annas Archive by seeding big chunks of the books.
If you have a solid torrent setup and a few hundred GBs of free space, you can support Annas Archive by seeding big chunks of the books.
They have massive funds, a few years ago I researched both the worldwide and (my) national wiki foundation. Very transparent. So just don’t expect your money going to the text based wiki (which is smaller than a TB btw).
They will probably invest in wiki related projects like wikimedia, wiktionary and so on.
Ok, I never dug so deep, I just really like the design, I did not know (or forgot) their ambicious/overblown claims
Lexend Deca for me. A mix of a dyslexoc-font, Arial and a bit of the roundness of Comic Sans. (Sorry, probably bad examples, am no font nerd)
In the country I live in, switzerland, I will rent probably my whole life and I am ol with that. And also my SO is quite a bit shorter, so we cannot just buy and install an extra tall kitchen.
About the two other points: ???
Not OP but the first three things I already experienced today were: Knee and backpain, standing out in a crowd, needing to slightly bend down vor everything in most standard kitchens.
People who are using their cellphone/mobile as a telefon (calling someone) but not holding it as a telephone but as a slab in front of their face. And ofc with the speaker on.
Slightly better but still stupid: Videocalling (or Facetiming) with the phone right in front of their nose.
I mean, just hold the phone so that the speaker is at your ear and the mic is right by your mouth…
I think the molecular structure is very similar to a necessary molecule (fat or sth.?). So the PFAS get in the place a normal molecule should be but they do the job not as good. Something like that. Great MinuteEarth Video about PFAS (4’) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H3aFzQdWQTg
I use Symphonium for a year now and it is all I ever needed. Has all bells and whistles, great support and all of the features you could wish. A huge step up from the native app or even findroid and the likes.
Thanks, I might have overstepped my knowledge here, I’ll look into it.
Nato is a group of independant, mostly democratic states. Nato generally doesn’t kill people, because it doesn’t attack, does not do genocide and most relevant for the meme, it doesn’t redraw state lines.
If Nato would do several of those things, you might have a point, please prove me wrong.
Also the second pic is ridiculous. What even do the Nato-emblems mean? It cant be singular bases or single memberstates. So what is it? And what about russias allies, why arent they painted/highlited? If one would want to show the big allies, the BRICS+ states could be marked. But like this, the second image is worthless.
6 W of power but no AND and OR The energyprices have to go up some more for me accept that trade off…
Jellyfin + Symphonium as a client on android 💯
Isnt libreoffice for the .odt format? I read that .odt and docx arent compatible and I really dont want to convert my whole documents collection nor deal with broken/rearranged content when editing documents. I went with Onlyoffice but am only 80% satisfied with it