What a waste of whisky.
What a waste of whisky.
“What the fuck, Richard!?”
Beautifully written. Your words are what millions of people across North America are thinking.
How was the Comic Con?
Tell my wife I said… Hello.
Ricky : [to Randy] Listen man, if you go down to the store and pick me up some “ja-lap-ano” chips and $2 worth of pepperoni, I’ll hang out with you for a bit.
Randy : Does anyone else want anything while I’m down there?
Julian : [pronouncing Jalapeño correctly] Yeah, pick me up a bag of Jalapeño chips.
Ricky : Jalapeño? What flavor is that?
Julian : Ricky, the J is silent. You’re saying it wrong.
Bubbles : The J is like an H, Ricky. “Hal-a-peeno”, not “ja-lap-ano”.
Ricky : [confused] What in the fuck are you guys talking about?
Bubbles : “Hal-a-peeno”. That’s how you pronounce it.
Ricky : I know how to pronounce it! I ordered fuckin’ ja-lap-ano!
And I Did a Thing is like Stuff Made Here on meth?
He’s zooming in to set his focus!
Be warned that it was more active years ago.
I agree. 00:cf:00 yields that no actual manufacturer has been assigned that OUI.