Because I never said bots are to blame. People are and once you realize that, programming a bot to do what people can do is super easy.
I get offended when people try to tell me I made an argument I never made. But thanks again buddy 👍
Because I never said bots are to blame. People are and once you realize that, programming a bot to do what people can do is super easy.
I get offended when people try to tell me I made an argument I never made. But thanks again buddy 👍
Try reading the whole thing and comprehending it as a complex thought with nuance. I’ll wait. Might take you awhile but I’ll wait.
You ended your comment saying you completely disagree with me after reiterating what I’d just said as if it were your own thought.
You really need to work on your communication and reading comprehension buddy.
So when I wrote about bots, I was describing them as an effect created by a cause. You went and reversed the two and are thinking I blamed bots.
What I said was that voting based moderation is a popularity contest. An easy way to win popularity contests is to stuff the ballot. On the internet, you can do this with bots. Ergo, the rise in bots all over the Internet is a consequence of our popularity based algorithms and systems. That type of moderation just doesn’t work. But please, keep misunderstanding people and then blaming others. I’m sure that’ll help.
If you’re gonna disagree with my idea, at least get it right. You’re not being downvotted heavily for not agreeing with the hive mind in the right way. You’re being downvotted for lacking reading comprehension and going off on a crazy sounding tangent.
Ahhh, the rallying cry of “just downvote it”. I’d insert the “this your first time?” gif here if I could. Leaving a community to self moderate invariably turns into a popularity contest, and then when one group eventually takes over, an echo chamber usually filled with the same regurgitated spam. “If you don’t like it just downvote it” or it’s reverse “well it has a lot of upvotes, so someone must like it”(welcome to why we have so many bots today…) always ends up catering to the terminally online at the detriment of the average person. People far too often will speak with absolute confidence about things they have never even experienced, but because it’s well formatted, it’s sent to the top. The Gell-Mann Amnesia effect describes this in part.
Yeah, you can definitely tell the show was filtered through the lense of “what will the average person understand”. I just appreciated the focus on actually building something vs just seeing the business side of it.
It’s definitely satire, but I feel Silicon Valley did a decent job. Yes they absolutely made things up, but it was more about the backend and pushing updates and servers being erased because someone accidentally sat a drink on a keyboard.
I agree with this. The tie looks too business/professional. The bowtie has a certain charm. But it needs to be like “neon bus seat” design. You know the one I’m talking about. Or like water cups from the 90s.
It’s also literally the motto for the Pontiac Grand Prix.
“Wider is better”
Actual OP here: Christmas is “put on a performance” fake. It’s also many pagan holidays mashed together by the Christians and co-opted when arguably the date of their messiah’s birth was in another time of year. It’s also getting longer and longer so companies can sell more and more crap that just ends up as waste.
Is Festivus made up? Sure. But it’s genuine in it’s disdain for what Christmas has become and is a sincere protest. In the words of Frank Costanza: “As I was raining blows down on him, I realized there had to be a better way”
Do you miss the part where it’s an open rebuttal of the over commercialization of Christmas? Instead of wasting a bunch of time putting up decorations bought simply to fill some billionaires pockets, I’ll put up a steel pole.
Also you’re missing the Airing of Grievances as well. Thats integral. The family fight is gonna happen regardless, so might as well get some therapy out of it and bury the axes while you’re at it. The Feats of Strength will get rid of whatever animosity is left too.
Oh, I’m sorry, did you grow up in a normal, functional family?
Winter? Nah. Love it for many of the reasons already being stated.
But the fake as fuck holiday season that comes with it? Done with it. I’m celebrating Festivus unironically this year. Done with the rest of that shit.
Thank you for your comment. I thought of Hyperbole when I was writing mine. I have the same feeling about how they handled their struggles in a much healthier and constructive way. I’ve sent people their post on depression before to help explain my own feelings. I’m glad to know it resonated with others as well.
Campbell left a really bad taste in my mouth. It’s one of the few times I’ve been successfully able to completely sever the art and artist. I love the work, but kinda deplore Campbell. I don’t really want to give them any credit because they don’t even want it themselves.
I’m really torn on this one. They were a great comic that reached a lot of people and then the creator went on all these rants about not really being depressed and it was all a show(and I swear they then retracted that but Wikipedia doesn’t seem to have that part listed). Then they burned their books and swore off creating and wanted everything removed. But then the book burning was even staged…
For someone who claimed it was all an act, it sure seemed like coming clean was a mental breakdown in itself to me. Like they had imposter syndrome, but then the irony was yeah, you are as dysfunctional as you “pretended” to be and just demonstrated it to everyone. There was no imposter.
That’s all to say I wish they’d kept creating and hadn’t left like that. Hadn’t basically said “this all sucks and shouldn’t exist”. But oddly, it is fitting. I’ll give them that. Viewed as a whole, it’s almost poetic.
ETA: I found a summary of the drama that included a mention of them retracting their claim of being depressed. I swear it was blog post called something like “I lied about lying about having depression”, a follow up to “I lied about having depression”. In the second post they claimed coming out as not depressed was in itself fake and I believe part of some art piece/experiment. The OP of the linked post adds a few details I’d missed. I don’t disagree with their posit that it was all an art project and Campbell isn’t a real person. I’ve certainly considered something similar in the past.
ETA2: Found an even better writeup with some more current details. There’s this gem tho:
Gondor, stop burninating the countryside!
Ok fine, I’ll give you a cookie too…
Just doing my civic duty
I gave 'em a cookie. Now they’re happy :D
How is saying it’s not the same game mechanics “judging it by different standards”? That right there is the problem: this idea that everything modern is better. Not everything needs all the same features tacked on.
Open world while still needing to go through the temples in a certain order. Various gadgets were required to progress, but crafty players often got around this. Pokemon would also be called “open world”, but could you just walk up to the Elite 4 from the beginning? Nope, had to get them badges first.
There’s “open to exploration” open world and “here’s a giant map, go wild”(a la Fallout/Skyrim). I prefered a Zelda with more guidance. Even Wind Waker, arguably the most open world, still had a progression the game tried to keep you on.
I never said bots were the problem. I said people caring more about popularity is the problem and that once you realize this it’s super easy to program bots to imitate people by up voting/down voting what you want. But yes, call me dense when you’ve misconstrued my argument from day one.
Edit: didn’t look like my previous comment posted so I rewrote it. Considering how dense you are tho, maybe two versions will help you finally understand, so I’ll just leave it.