Chipotle raspberry sauce. I’m not sure on that one
I would reconsider docker because if a specific application leaks some sort of shell access or system file access you’ll be protected out side of container host escalation.
Unrelated to security, I prefer docker because it leaves the server very clean if you remove different apps. Can also save time configuring more complex applications or applications that conflict with system libraries.
Add fail2ban on your list of applications it watches logs for invalid logins and puts them on firewall block rules after so many failed attempts.
I made the jump to a full server a few years ago and there’s some pretty high limits but you can get them spec’ed pretty low. Something like a dell r730 Single 8 core xenon 32gb ram and a couple tb of storage running 4-500$. They can be upgraded over time to be dual 16 core xenon 1tb ram and petabyte of storage.
Lemmy is way less privacy oriented than reddit and that’s by design.
When we implemented it significantly improved our ability to write unit tests. It also allowed us to make more modular code due to the default of every class having an interface. So I’m all for it.
I guess some perspective on some other comments here. I have a dell r720xd dual xenon’s 16 total cores 128gb ram it uses roughly 200watts per hour with the 11000w power supplies. it can get fairly loud when using lots processing power. I bought a 12u rack to mount it nicely in my office. It is also my guest bedroom, while everyone we have had doesn’t mind the noise not all guests would appreciate the white noise even with many of the cpu intensive stuff turned off and it as quiet as it goes. Fans full tilt would be obnoxious and hard to concentrate.
Yeah can confirm this will work. Similar setup great way to get wifi extended without running wires.
Isn’t that the risk of running an unstable build of anything?
Google search “Does <isp name> block port 80”
Many home ISPs block port 80 and 25. You should be able to Google that and confirm. If that’s the case you’ll have to use a different method.
I believe steam backed out so they wouldn’t be sued by Nintendo
This is really bad on mobile too. I usually flip to desktop mode to get to releases page quickly.
Been using nixos for a couple months now. It’s nice and I really enjoy having all my configuration in one place and able to be version controlled. The down side being installing and configuring things take a bit more time to read how nix does it. I have it on a laptop that I’ve been playing with and removed it and put rocky for something else but I am 100% confident I can go right back to the way i had it.
So far the cons I’m seeing is installing vscode plugins are a little annoying and setting up to do python development on existing projects not very easy.
Highly recommend using lvm in the future. You can undersize your partitions and when whichever one you need more space on it’s easy to grow. Also really easy to live migrate to other drives as needed. Good luck.
Was running on my original pi b up till I replaced it recently with a pi 4. Was a little slow but worked fine.
A global industrial empire probably helps a bit for those things.
Is this guy colin furze in 20 years?
I’d like to see regulations that put consumer protections and enforcement in place that take away the concerns that everyone has with tiktok but any other social media is too.
But you know just banning the app will totally work and there won’t be any other apps that do the same thing /s
Ren and stimpy was such a weird show