Indeed, over two years on both Lemmy and Mastodon! The reach isn’t as impactful as bigger platforms, but we vibe with the philosophy of the platforms.
Indeed, over two years on both Lemmy and Mastodon! The reach isn’t as impactful as bigger platforms, but we vibe with the philosophy of the platforms.
BGS have shown us nothing but good will, we’re following their guidelines strictly on assets - i.e. nothing ported, everything remade from scratch - and we’re requiring both Morrowind and Skywind to be installed… but there’s no guarantee. We’re not stressed about it.
Six songs later in the album is a tune specifically about the evils of making people self-conscious about their body. Be more kind.
Is a human a type of ape? No.
Spring to fall, I drive in bare feet whenever it’s appropriate. It’s so much more direct and comfortable. That said, I prefer bare feet when possible anyway - I realize it’s not for everyone.
I’ve said it once zero times and I’ll say it again. Far-future hypothetical space aliens should RTFM.
For sure, but it doesn’t actually matter whether it’s abstract from the outset or has become abstract through technological advance so long as it’s unique and understood. Someone who’s never seen a floppy disk will still learn it quickly, because it’s distinctive.
This is dumb and I love it.
I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they’d never expect it.
- Jack Handey
“It’s night time, Brad”
I’m going to assume you’re being wilfully ignorant but not trying to be an ass. “Gay” is more often used of men than women, and it’s perhaps more common for people to use “lesbian” for gay women, but it just means homosexual (or sometimes more generally not heterosexual), regardless of sex or gender.
Cambridge: “sexually or romantically attracted to people of the same gender or sex”
Merriam-Webster: “of, relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to people of one’s same sex”
Oxford: “sexually or romantically attracted to people of the same sex”
Brittanica: “sexually or romantically attracted to someone who is the same sex”
Wiktionary: “Possessing sexual and/or romantic attraction towards people one perceives to be the same sex or gender as oneself.”
Agreed. I mean, it’s just a mullet, but you’re not wrong.
deleted by creator
[Funko Fusion] game feels like an off-brand LEGO game in all the worst ways
I have a bias here because I’ve never understood the appeal of model collecting in general, and of dead-eyed, amorphous Funko Pops in particular, but I am shocked that a cash grab on the back of emotionless, artistically-bereft figurines wasn’t a smash hit.
Well, not that shocked.
I used to do this, too, until local charities started complaining about all the lamps being posted into their donation boxes.
Issue #1 or 5? You decide!
This got a bonus chuckle from me.
B-Real pops up at around 3:30 in the video, he’s not in the car.