On a pig it’s the part over the ribs I think, I’m not sure which part of a billionaire is the tastiest but I guess you’d just have to roast the whole thing to find out
On a pig it’s the part over the ribs I think, I’m not sure which part of a billionaire is the tastiest but I guess you’d just have to roast the whole thing to find out
I’m eating billionaire bacon before I eat bugs, no thanks
network invented in America look inside Americans
How could this have happened?
I understand the level of willpower is different, I have an eating disorder myself. But the fact remains it is something that can be willed. Changing myself to be a different race or sexual orientation isn’t a willpower issue, it’s simply impossible. Hence why the comparison in this tweet is ridiculous.
Obese people acting like they can’t control it is precisely why they’re obese. It’s vile to discriminate against someone for their height, race, sexual orientation, and other factors because they have no control or choice over those things. But if someone makes a bad choice that negatively affects their own health and others around them, it’s acceptable to tell that person it’s unsafe. Shaming them is ineffective, but just pretending being obese is normal and healthy isn’t ok either. These folks need help.
Don’t even start with me on thyroid disorders, those are a small fraction of people who are obese and even they do not defy basic laws of thermodynamics. Eat less than you burn, it’s basic math. You may not be able to control the disorder but you are in control of how you respond to it.
Good on you for being receptive to their conversation and actually making improvements and changes. Not everyone behaves that way, some people like my friend just become dependent on the help instead. It’s important to recognize that external help isn’t always the solution; that shouldn’t stop us from trying to help initially but it’s important to withdraw it if it’s causing dependency.
The “why not” is that some people actually are harmed not helped by being handed stuff. I tried to help one of my friends who lived with me rent free for a year and by the end he was completely unmotivated to actually get or keep a job, contribute around the house, or even behave pleasantly towards anyone in the house. It happened gradually over time til living with him became intolerable.
That would be good, private colleges could still exist but they’d have to compete with free college so the prices would have to come down and the value come up, a win for the consumer either way. It would be expensive but an important investment in our future.
Student debt relief without a reduction in prices is just funneling money to colleges with extra steps. It is an important step, Biden should be doing it, but it needs to be accompanied by serious consumer protections and price controls applied to colleges.
I think the term you might identify with more is “gender nonconforming” meaning you enjoy things that are not traditionally associated with your gender, but you’re happy with your gender and body the way they are. If you felt dysphoric/uncomfortable with your body that would be more trans. Hope that helps, whatever you choose to label it doesn’t matter too much just be what makes you most comfortable!
The average basement dweller probably just needs more water in their life, but anyone eating a balanced diet who is sweating and working out hard or competiting in an athletic event absolutely needs electrolytes not just water. Drinks like Gatorade with simple sugar in them are also still good in this context, the sugar is a readily burned source of energy that is important to have available for high intensity activity. Obviously if you drink sugar and sit on the couch it just goes to your waist, but that doesn’t make it bad for people who are using it correctly.
It’s kinda like the question of “how big does the body of water have to be before you’re comfortable swimming with a corpse?” Like we all know that’s how it works, but making a direct correlation makes it much more uncomfortable.
I can switch to Matrix and talk to the two other users on this platform! Can’t wait!
My case rests, the seller of the book provided you a valuable service then by making a product available to you that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to get, and you’re mad that they made a little money for their time?
Ok, don’t buy it online then go get it from the thrift store yourself. Oh that takes valuable time and effort? Guess that’s why it was marked up, peoples’ time is worth money.
Until the content I want is on another platform, I don’t really have a choice of what platform to go to. Of course, I can also just go outside which YouTube has made more and more appealing by the week, but telling people “just use Peertube” isn’t a solution when the content they want to see simply doesn’t exist there
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