it’s very difficult for me to describe to other people how good this setup is. it’s not “check home assistant” good. it’s not “use 1password to store your passwords” good. it’s almost “just download more ram” good
it’s very difficult for me to describe to other people how good this setup is. it’s not “check home assistant” good. it’s not “use 1password to store your passwords” good. it’s almost “just download more ram” good
work does not define you and it doesn’t reflect your self worth.
there’s a very high chance you’re getting rob while doing it too so do it as shitty as possible (without risking your food)
nono, that’s from backtrack/kali linux
huh, good observation - my instant thought was casinos and “climbing the corporate ladders”
(I fully disagree with not voting but your point still stands)
the binding of isaac and deep rock galactic. best games I’ve ever played oh and maybe minecraft (I’m 28 and the past 2 weeks got into the mc rabbit hole AGAIN)
not a huge difference i’d say. in athens you can get really good food
hey I just wanted to share that I moved to a small, remote-ish village in Greece about a year ago (born & raised in Athens, a “big” city for our standards, the biggest in Greece) and it’s quite close to that.
It’s been amazing although I miss ordering food online and maybe the occasional bar/coffee with friends.
It’s almost inside a forest and 15’ drive from both mountain and amazing beaches
Thank you for listening, I honestly hope that everyone has the choice to do the same <3
Damn I read “my cat needed to be enthusiased and I just received her ashes” and though WTF did you do to make her so excited?
side note: enthusiased is not an english word but in greek (ενθουσιασμενος) it makes sense and it translates to “excited”
in greek (also gender for every noun, chair is female, dog is male and washing machine is “neutral”) it’s weird when someone uses the wrong gender. mostly non-natives mix them up
borrowed words are mostly neutral like μπουζί (spark plug) or ντουζ (shower)
as to what’s english missing I’d say complexity. Learning english and just being able to throw “the” behind any inanimate object is amazing. Also learning the genders that differ from your own language (learning french for example where a cat I think is male but in greek it’s female) is even more difficult
I tried it and I got wrist pain that I never had from the horizontal mouse
I guess my body is completely set? (been using a normal mouse for many, many hours since I was 10yo)
γερμανος κ ξερο ψωμι!
BTW: please don’t root/install magisk on a phone you use <3
woah these are amazing! never seen them before!
same! I thought I was the only one!
while what you say totally stands in capitalism, lsd and weed are probably quite bad ideas.
i think.
it’s the best thing we’ve got. and honestly, it ain’t that bad
personally the first week it fucked me up but after that, life changing effects. truly life changing.
yeap steam is the best example of a service i’d very happily pay - I’ve paid LOTS to them and just last month, I downloaded “have a nice death” for yuzu, played 30", loved it and insta bought it on steam. It was 25 euros but having my saves forever and being able to single click install & play is something that I value more.
you don’t get to get my money AND fuck me, pick one (netflix, youtube, etc.)
in Greece at least nobody gives you the option - unless it’s a very pricey service that you can pay as a package