Hämis 👍
Hämis 👍
I’m bouncing between witcher 3, desperados 3, below and noita.
Around last year or the year before that they changed the placement of that button, never really given much thought about it tbf. Just a minor annoyance.
But yeah it was like in the same top row as the code/issues/pull-requests/wiki pages. Now you can only access it from the code page inside a lateral panel. Before that you could just jump to the releases from the wiki page, as an example.
sorry for this lmao
if you were to beat up your grampa, you’d beat’em till their face showed what colour?
Was on Fedora for 3 yrs now and decided to distrohop to EndeavourOS like yesterday. Reason: jc141 releases were finnicky on Fedora; very very probably my fault lol.
Gotta say, I’m impressed with the system and makepkg is just so comfy to use wtf.
Might go back to Fedora eventually but EndeavourOS has been a smooth sailing so far. I think I’ll stay a while.
Just… An AAAAA game.