That’s not true!
I can get high too :3
That’s not true!
I can get high too :3
Considering how much of the Internet is now backed by AWS… yeah good luck with a full, 100% boycott, unless you’re willing to install a plug-in to let you know which parts of the web are on AWS and specifically avoid them.
That being said, a 100% boycott is borderline puritanical. It’s very easy to order nothing from Amazon, and if enough of us do it will make a noticeable dent in their profits.
You’re never going to get a satisfying answer to this question, because there is no actual reason. If you want, you can go peek in on the conservative subreddits and watch their gold-medal winning mental gymnastics, but the reason Trump is doing this is Putin told him to. The U.S. is destroying themselves for no gain.
I used to think that all the times I had to survive drowning were unique, until I met my coworker who almost drowned to death in the same wavepool as me, despite us growing up in two seperate states a few hundred miles apart.
I still hope drowning three times is fairly uncommon, but at least one of those pools is just hella dangerous I guess.
I really appreciate your honesty. You absolutely could re-tell this story to make yourself look like a cool rugged survivalist, but I imagine you didn’t much feel like one in the moment.
Pretty standard business practice for the U.S. is “The Customer Can Always Get Fucked.” There’s a lot of money that’s basically just been stolen from me because I got tired with fighting the company to just ship me the thing I paid for, and I either bought the thing somewhere else or decided I didn’t want it anymore. Most companies don’t even actually have customer service, just chatbots or outsourced chumps who only seem to exist for Americans to yell at, because they have no authority to do, view, or fix anything.
As long as there’s a chance of revolution, I’ll stay alive to see it. I don’t see a reason to take my own life when I’ll soon have an opportunity to give it willingly.
The OG lemmings are Marxist-Leninists. The surge of centrist Dems came from the Reddit exodus.
Democracy already died, and it died under a Democrat. We’ve been a true plutocracy since Citizen’s United v FEC. What actually would happen is the Democrats would defend the plutocracy until the Republicans inevitably win an election because they take advantage of people’s hatred of our situation.
I dunno if I’d say it’s never been good in those two decades. There’s definitely been a few great Standards Wizards lucked into, and they had a really strong run of limited formats for awhile too. It’s definitely been trending downward for the last two decades though, and largely because of unchecked corporate greed.
It would be a whole lot cooler if we had actual dragons hoarding all this, as opposed to metaphorical ones.
Theoretically, if you made a new language based on English symbols, is it still just a cipher?
This is a false dichotomy though. I’d argue the fact that “escape” doesn’t even cross your mind in this hypothetical scenario is damning.
Absolutely a gun. The thing they don’t tell you about bows is that you have to be the one to draw back the bowstring, and you need to exert enough force on that bowstring that your stored potential energy sends an arrow flying. If you’re physically weak, good fucking luck. Yeah, maybe if you’re strong enough or use a compound bow to reduce the amount of strain aiming is easy, but in my experience, it’s pretty rough getting to a point where you can conveniently draw, aim, and fire a bow.
Meanwhile, a .22 rifle barely has enough kick for a child to feel. A shotgun or any higher calibre rifle might give a teenager a bit of a sore shoulder. Movies exaggerate it a little bit, but it really isn’t that much harder than “point and click.” The answer is gun by a mile.
Source: I had a lot of ranged weapons training in the Scouts. If I had to choose one, I’d go with hatchets.
There’s a lot I don’t really like about pansexuality, which is why I don’t use the label. In my head, a transwoman is a woman, and a transman is a man, so I don’t see any difference in my love for them than my love for a cis woman or a cis man. Non-binaries fit outside that spectrum, for sure, but they’re still people with masculine and/or feminine traits, and I don’t understand why there needs to be an extra label just to include them. Shouldn’t they be included always? I guess the biggest thing that would be excluded would be people who don’t show either masculine or feminine traits. I’ve never met or seen one, so I guess I don’t know if I can be attracted to one, or if the distinction even exists.
I understand that other bisexuals may have different tastes in their partners, but we don’t have different labels for each level of masculine/feminine attraction. The bisexual who prefers femme men and women is considered just as bisexual as the one who prefers masc men and women, or the one who likes both traits equally. I just don’t understand why there’s an implicit exclusion of trans people from that attraction, such that we need a new label to add explicit inclusion.
Well, I managed to avoid my mother’s mistake of marrying one of the first guys I seriously dated, so I haven’t had to go through a divorce yet like she did. However, she’d owned two houses by now, and I’ll be lucky to get one before 40. Seems like no.
Tower defense game is a wild thing to call a MOBA, but no there’s no real story in a given League of Legends match. The characters all have small lore blurbs explaining why they’re fighting though, and those small lore blurbs are what got expanded to Arcane.
in fairness, Germany’s right-wing CSU/CDU could just as easily form a coalition with AFD. It is unique that they’re still willing to stand by their principles and work to cut AFD out of the government, going as far as threatening a ban. The American Republican Party jumped into bed with the fascist Tea Party immediately, without hesitation, and rode the Trump train.
I still don’t expect the new centrist coalition to materially address the underlying economic concerns that are driving AFD support, and it seems likely that they’ll be too big to ignore by the next election. A future centrist L, if you were.
This post and the numerous replies affirming our clones wouldn’t try to kill us makes me wonder, what is the basis for this trope? Is it just the assumption that any doppelganger must be evil? I wonder what the cultural origins are, would it be European fae?
Anyway, I’m pretty sure my clone would still try to kill me, but it’d be doing so out of kindness. I’ve always wanted to die on my feet in combat, and I’ve never wanted to live, so we’d kinda be fighting over who gets the privilege of death. Whichever one of us wins has to keep going, while the other gets released.
No, the German equivalent would be if you divided Germans on whether they have light skin or dark skin. Are your Middle-Eastern immigrants not German? Your Romani? If they’re citizens of your country now, they are your countrymen, fullstop.
I feel like you’re very close to understanding America in your last paragraph though. For us, nearly every American is from a migrant group that brought a different culture from a different country. There’s only like 1% of the continent’s native population left. A Black American’s experiences are fundamentally different to a White American, or a Latino American, or an Eastern European American, because they all grew up with a different culture to one another. There is no real “baseline” American culture, as much as some angry White Americans would have you believe.