Bloody Roar. The rights are held by Konami, so there’s practically no chance of it happening.
Bloody Roar. The rights are held by Konami, so there’s practically no chance of it happening.
Cyka blyat
Well they added a few cosmetic items from the show, I’m pretty sure.
I participated in a few anomalies, both as support and an on ground person hitting the objectives. Shit was rad, man. I met a couple cool people and even business contacts through it.
Same. I rocked that game for a year before Pokemon Go came out. It was insanely addictive. I would walk like 3-5 miles a day and I’d take way too many breaks at work to go hit the portals by my office.
Dude, that sucks. I can picture the walk of shame. They really shouldn’t do shit like that.
Uncrustables fuck, bro. They’re fantastic. Try the hazelnut spread ones, too.
Same for me. It used to be the case that a block of cheese was cheaper than sliced or grated, but at some point in the last 10 years it’s evened out. That’s the case for every store I shop at.
Reddit bad
Ah man, don’t be mean. It’s just different strokes and all that. There’s a lot to love about Middle Earth, and some people just love different things.
Great short story
I’m still going strong, too. Congrats.
Absolutely. They should just apply around. An MBA would help, but they wouldn’t even need one to land a decent gig at most places.
Of course it does. I remember a lot of people thinking Rock types were immune to electric attacks because nearly every rock type in red and blue was also a ground type.
Can I just say that this is truly a fascinating question? Great job, OP
Is that not a thing people do?
Tastes like sugary water.