I’m a lefty but my teachers never knew how to handle a lefty so my handwriting is also illegible. I had to go do handwriting basics (“colour in the enclosed area of the A shape”) in high school.
So mileage may vary even if leftyism is tolerated. But look at me now teachers! I type obscure commands all day and get a sore hand when I pick up a pen! Checkmate!
There are better kings in pyscadelic rock. King Buffalo maybe? King Gizzard is not always easy listening.
Is Les Claypool still alive in that world where Flea is the greatest?
Safest way to ensure I WILL eat this meme: tell me not to.
The UK has been right up there on the highest number of cameras per person in the world, this isn’t surprising. They’ve been at the forefront of this before China took the records.