Con Air, Raising Arizona, The Rock.
Con Air, Raising Arizona, The Rock.
Andrew Tate feminine or the truck driver from Peewee Herman feminine?
Marty Stratton of id Software tries to throw Mick Gordon and his entire music production career in front of a bus over the Doom Eternal OST issues:
Mick Gordon responds with receipts and even time stamps in files from the id audio designer:
Bethesda’s eventual response in a tone seeming written by Stratton himself:
Fuck anything from id Software/Bethesda/ZeniMaxi Media until chucklefuck Marty Stratton is out.
So we’re getting Truman Show’ed, but on a scale assumed to be beyond our capability to investigate.
Wolfenstein 3-D definitely gets the credit, but Doom took it SO much further and was the first game that really brought out our gaming-kid excitement through fear and suspense even despite, in retrospect, it really just being a puzzle game with exploding demons (and when you get into the history and documentaries, it’s wild what they actually wanted to do in the engine, but the consumer level performance limits at the time cut into a much more in depth experience).
distant screaming noises grow louder
Anybody that played the Aliens Total Conversion on the original Doom engine (best Aliens themed shooter oriented FPS) knows just how awesome things can turn out.
/yes I’m old
*15+ years ago
Projecting one’s denial of rational semantics is a comprehension problem on its own.
“I don’t suck teets, I lick boots” ;)
It means they are conflated, even if you don’t like that they are.
You do know the two overlap rather consistently from the context of the females’ choice in most cultures where it persists, right?
Dope is 100% also used for weed. Maybe just less common for the younger gens.
Maybe he’ll be teaching them that trying to force enshittification on people in the first place has repercussions.
Thats why you paint it with the correct paint before you install it in the first place.
Stop acting like a redditor.
Life is what you make of it.
Lets keep going. Same scenario but the dream was of an entire universe and the higher being doesnt evem take notice of our existence because in the scheme of the time of our universal existence our enitre planetary life development start tonend isnt even a blip to notice. We are significantly insignificant.
Until of course we figure out how to break out of the dream/simulation and end up bringing war to the gods to their disbeleif.
But if we’re created in they’re image, couldn’t that indicate at an atomic or subatomic level?
What if we cant see God because they’re just a particular string cluster of atomic or subatomic particles?
Registrar is 1API.NET which uses Verisign.
DNS is currently configured to cloudflare (maybe as a result of this fubar scenario?). would be pointed in DNS not from the TLD registrar in this scenario.
Contacting directly would be the first step long before going the registrar route as they obviously manage DNS on their end and not the registrar end.