Sometimes the always on healing works so good cells start doing things like reactivating telomerase and ignoring the signals for programmed cell death and become cancer, sometimes turning effectively immortal.
Sometimes the always on healing works so good cells start doing things like reactivating telomerase and ignoring the signals for programmed cell death and become cancer, sometimes turning effectively immortal.
Ever shined a powerful flashlight or laser around and seen all the particles floating in the air? You can also see them sometimes with a particularly bright sun beam coming through a blind. While these visible particles probably aren’t spores, it does illustrate how much stuff you’re constantly breathing in. There is no escaping. You’re part of life, there’s billions of organisms on you and in you at all times, and they’re fighting for survival too. There’s no escape. The only reason you survive is because of your immune system, and that’s why immunodeficient people like severe burn victims and AIDS patients just die despite nothing particularly “wrong” happening to them.
To me, that job listing is a red flag and I’d not want to have that job if the bullshit is starting before I even apply. It’s probably only going to get worse if that’s the start.
If I really did want the job, and I knew they were outright bullshitting, I’d not feel bad about bullshitting them back.
5 years experience required for a programming language that had only even existed for 2 years
If this is the level of bullshit on the job listing, do you actually want that job?
If yes: if they’re bullshitting, why don’t you?
I have a 4 year degree and it has never advantaged me, ever.
You didn’t learn anything at school?
I went to an engineering school, switched majors to biochemistry, and I work an IT job now. My education was invaluable despite being overwhelmingly inapplicable to my current field of work. I learned so much and was exposed to so many people of a similar mindset. Easily one of the most important things I’ve done in life, just from a life experience standpoint.
What advantage do you expect it to give you aside from what you learned and showing you can complete a bachelor’s program?
No doubt, there’s a lot of factors at play. Having diluted pee is good preventative maintenance though.
Whatever minerals are in your water are far less concentrated than they are in the foods you eat. It’s not the absolute amount of minerals you ingest, it’s the concentration of your urine that causes more crystallization to kidney stones. Gotta keep that piss dilute.
Thirst alone keeps your pee clear to straw colored? If I rely on thirst alone mine will get much darker. Clear pee is good pee, I saw a friend get a kidney stone once, fuck that noise. I’ll do preventative maintenance by chugging some water every couple hours.
Alexander the Ok - 101k subscribers, does some great hour long engineering / computer science videos. F-14 central air data computer (first microprocessor), Minuteman missile (led to the first desktop computers), B-29 turret system (networked mechanical computers), and Buran (not really computers, but a really good video anyways).
Seeming useless math can be applied if you look for opportunities.
When I attended military training for sergeant rank, there was a land navigation part. Plot the grid coordinates on a map, use a protractor to figure out the angles, which you then aim the compass towards and count paces to find the points out in the woods. I realized these made triangles and said fuck a protractor. I used trigonometry instead. Figured out the lengths of the sides of the triangles from the grid coordinates, then used those lengths and tangent to figure out the compass angle and distance. The instructors had no clue what I was doing. Took first place in that course because the other person I was tied with only found 3 out of 4 points in his two tries at landnav.
The best math skill for everyday life has to be dimensional analysis, though. Want to figure out how expensive it is to drive per hour? Well, you’ve got miles/hour, dollars/gallon, and miles/gallon. This can get you to dollars/hour by just canceling out the units. (I don’t have a paper to write things down but I think this is correct)
dollars/gallon X gallons/mile X miles/hour = dollars/hour
You can use dimensional analysis to convert all sorts of things. It’s awesome.
Yeah I know it’s the shitpost community but math is pretty cool.
2 minutes later, I set my time machine to go 1 minute back in time, collect the coin from myself, bring it to the present. Now I have 2 gold coins.
I don’t follow. If you took the coin from the past, it no longer exists in the present. You still have 1 coin. You are duplicated, however, and now two of you exist in the present timeline. You could do the duplication glitch by taking the present timeline coin back to the past and giving it to past self, who now has two coins.
Airplanes constantly turn over the cabin air 10-15x per hour with bleed air from the engines. This then heads out the outflow valves to the exterior of the airplane.
The recirculating fans have HEPA filters on them, but the majority of air is fresh.
Even with no peanuts on board, there still can be contamination of the other foods served on board, not to mention residue from previous passengers snacks.
Free parking rule is complete ass and makes the game take ages. People going bankrupt faster is a positive.
Didn’t realize users changed, my bad.
Just saying “watts staying underground” is a poor explanation. That’s an insignificant amount of energy compared to what the sun is delivering and what’s being trapped by CO2. “Carbon staying underground” is much more the priority.
Yeah, that explanation sounded off to me. CO2 and other greenhouse gases are the issue, not heat directly released from combustion. The sun is doing the overwhelming majority of heating. Carbon staying underground matters far more than watts staying underground.
Burning coal doesn’t significantly heat the planet directly. The CO2 released by this causes solar heating to be more effective by trapping the escaping infrared radiation. It’s the greenhouse gases that are the issue, not the energy released by combustion. “Watts staying underground” is a poor explanation. Burning coal makes watts from the sun more effective at heating the earth.
I don’t know sports at all but I do know Joe Buck makes some stupid ass comments. Pretty sure he’s notorious for it.
Edit: Ah yes, this is where I know him from:
Because OP hates snow. I like it, 25 hours of snow sounds like proper winter to me.
I think that’s probably a good thing. I’ve eaten so many warheads the skin started to come off my tongue.