What’s really fun is asking someone like that directions in an emergency. You’ll get the same winding explanation, but in triplicate, all at once, since the fastest route is one of those depending on a half-dozen seemingly unrelated factors.
What’s really fun is asking someone like that directions in an emergency. You’ll get the same winding explanation, but in triplicate, all at once, since the fastest route is one of those depending on a half-dozen seemingly unrelated factors.
Before we had stuff like Google Maps, or any digital navigation service really, nobody could then, either.
Even when asking someone for directions to get to where they live you get the wrong number of stoplights, turns, and so on. Street-names are also a gamble because maybe they (mis)remember that the street they commute on changed four years ago. I would wager that most folks are just not “wired” for this sort of task, and is why (shipping) pilots, trackers, and trail-guides are a thing.
Exactly. Everyone knows you’re supposed to pour it into the bowl along with the milk.
Beating most any “hard” video game is always a great feeling just due to the sheer hours that go into it. In some cases, you have to develop the memory and skill to do the whole thing in one sitting. I can’t count how many from the NES era fit this criteria. Top of that list are: Contra, Bionic Commando, and most Zelda and Mega Man games.
The best one happened in the middle of my Dark Souls play-through. I kept having to quit playing after short sessions, as skill and vigor checks kept wrecking me. This lead to anger and rage that just made it impossible to proceed. Once I made the connection that I could concentrate more and flow through combat more easily while calm, I changed tactics to calming my own mind and keeping it that way. The game just “opened up” after that. From there on, it was much more about meditation and breathing than equipment and leveling - skills I now carry with me everywhere. DS literally made me a calmer and more resilient person.
It’s important to reference this old chestnut in times like this:
The Internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.
This applies to human behavior on this medium, not the machines and services themselves. So, the more service providers tighten their grip, the more users slip through their fingers. Short of that, people can also just adopt new slang to circumvent automated censorship mechanisms.
We’re going back
Awesome. Another high-quality graphical Rogue spinoff? I’m there.
In the meantime, check out Torchlight 1&2 if you need something to tide you over. They’re on the old side, but IMO scratch that itch.
Honestly, I’m not sure if that’s any worse than the oft-abused FARM USE
I’ve also seen a few people just say fuck it, and not have any tags at all.
The downside is that the lack of sovcit “plate” might make you more likely to get pulled over. Word is those guys are a huge PITA for cops.
There’s some wonkyness here, that’s for sure. The major thing that makes this look legit is that the mirror is dirty and it has a correct reflection for the person’s arm and the trashcan.
IMO, it’s not even good phrasing and sounds hollow somehow.
Fixed url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI_Jl5WFQkA
What some folks may not know is that at around the same time, Ford had problems with tires imploding on SUVs. While not called out in the Canyonero spoof, I always thought it captured the public vibe about big trucks at the time in light of this.
Some people have an exaggerated and/or completely broken sense of personal space, and how that keeps them “safe”.
Do you regret your choice? Do you constantly think “Fuck everyone else around me, I do what I want.”, or do you legitimately not notice how everyone else hates you?
It could easily be all of those things. Regret turns to coping poorly through projection1, followed by just ignoring the problem.
Re: idiots and assholes. The Venn diagram for those groups have a rather large intersection.
1. Clinically known as “acting like an asshole”. In this case, it’s the decision that it’s everyone else who is encroaching on their space, while driving a vehicle that is slightly smaller than a shuttle bus.
Okay, the penciled-in numbers (but only for non-military time because who uses that?) just sent me. Easily one of the best “job’s done boss” images I have ever seen.
Sorry to hear about your dog.
I think I’m rehabilitated Doc. I can go home now.
Maybe. Please go into the next room and stare at the floor for five minutes. I’ll be here.
Because that’s what people outside of a simulation would do.
Not going to disagree with your cross-comparison here, but have you tried Korean-style fried chicken yet?
Exactly. It’s a local minimum/maximum optimization problem as applied to genetics and evolution.
Oh good grief. Of course the Nazis had a chart. I hardly know any German, but there sure is a lot of “verboten” on that.
Makes me wonder if there was a similar thing for Jim Crow laws in the deep south.