There is literally no reason to hardcode the ads in the game. They need a placeholder that will show ads fetched from an API, like Google ads. The ads will always be up to date and targeted
There is literally no reason to hardcode the ads in the game. They need a placeholder that will show ads fetched from an API, like Google ads. The ads will always be up to date and targeted
There is literally no reason to hardcode the ads in the game. They need a placeholder that will show ads fetched from an API, like Google ads. The ads will always be up to date and targeted
There is literally no reason to hardcode the ads in the game. They need a placeholder that will show ads fetched from an API, like Google ads. The ads will always be up to date and targeted
You don’t know the age of the other person
It doesn’t count if it is an accident. So they pretend that one of them lands on the other
humanity is slowly turning it’s back on social media
Are you living in a parallel universe or something? Are we talking for the same humanity that is 24/7 on Instagram and on tiktok?
I really wish you’re right but I’m afraid that the minorities you may know who just abandoned Facebook are not representing humanity
Of course they are still in business. Otherwise where would reality get ideas from?
If the endgoal of humanity is for everyone to live happily and healthy why don’t they start right now by decommercializing the health sector? Why health research and provision are commercial?
It is very naive to think that the collective endgoal of humanity is to have super health when right now the only goal is which super power will dominate over the others, killing everyone who stands on their way
I seriously believe you’ve messed up the years
Sorry what learning and expanding are you talking about? Can you please be specific about which years and give a source?
They want a bright future just for themselves. Not for the society as a whole
Yeah the “postcommunist” is a very difficult word and the guy couldn’t understand the meaning. He thought that it might have something to do with the post office
If you’re not trolling you’re stupid af
Sure, they developed this mentality when surviving could also be competitive. When there was not enough food for all and somehow surviving meant that it will not be for all. Now we prefer to destroy tones of food in favor of economy because if there is extra food this means that the price go down
Is this a genuine question wanting to find an answer? Only their consciousness can really prevent them or a “law enforcement” that we should first find a way to be uncorrupted. Is this realistic nowadays? Of course not, but we were talking hypothetically I think
They incentive would be the prosperity of the community as long as people stop seeing each other competitive. Personal gain over dead bodies is only cancer.
Other animals are in intense life and death competition with each other generally.
Humans on the other hand, travel to the other half of the earth in order to kill other humans because they’re afraid that other humans will destroy their economy in the other side of the earth.
Talk to me more about the superiority of humans over animals. I’m listening
You will need to start creating accounts in the apps/services you want with the traditional way of setting email+password. Not by clicking “login with google”