Debian Linux, FOSS, Firefox, Raspberry PI. Universal Life Church Minister. Student of ACIM since 1993, student of Urantia since 2013.
Laurell Hamilton’s Anita Blake series Kim Harrison’s Hollows series Eric Flint’s Ring of Fire Piers Anthony Xanth
No problems here using /etc/systemd/resolved.conf for NextDNS settings. I also set the dns settings for NextDNS in Firefox.
croc syncthing bitwarden firefox protonmail
raspberry pi os + Debian Sid. Been using the same install with daily updates for 3 yrs.
that is the same bs rpios says with every release. most likely they just don’t want the forum with a bunch of people having ods issues.
I installed rpios on my pi400 three yrs ago then changed the Debian repos to Sid and updated. Been doing apt upgrade ever since with no problems.
Not an industry, but if EBT/food stamps payments stopped there would definitely be riots. Not that aren’t already.
Just do a search, there are many sites that cover a lot of topics that also have downloadable books.
A bit long, but here goes:
alias walk=“walk --icons”
alias weather=“/home/craig/.local/bin/”
alias oh=“/home/craig/.local/bin/”
alias ports=‘sudo netstat -tulanp’
alias bashrc=“source ~/.bashrc”
alias root=‘sudo -i’ alias su=‘sudo su’
alias which=‘command -v’
alias search=‘apt search’ alias file=‘apt-file search’ alias policy=‘apt policy’ alias show=“nala show”
if [ $UID -ne 0 ]; then alias update=‘sudo apt update’ alias ainstall=‘sudo apt install’ alias apurge=‘sudo apt purge -y --autoremove’ alias upgrade=‘sudo nala upgrade’ alias aremove=‘sudo apt autoremove -y’ alias clean=‘sudo nala clean’ alias reboot=‘sudo reboot’ alias shutdown=“sudo shutdown -P now” fi
alias jc=‘sudo journalctl -b’ alias jca=‘sudo journalctl’ alias jcf=‘sudo journalctl -f’ alias jcr=‘sudo journalctl --list-boots’ alias sc=‘sudo systemctl’
alias im+=“sudo chattr +i” alias im-=“sudo chattr -i” alias exe=“sudo chmod +x”
#Add safety nets
alias rm=‘rm -I --preserve-root’
alias mv=‘mv -i’ alias cp=‘cp -i’ alias ln=‘ln -i’
alias chown=‘chown --preserve-root’ alias chmod=‘chmod --preserve-root’ alias chgrp=‘chgrp --preserve-root’
alias cpwd=‘pwd | xclip -selection clipboard’
alias cpy=“xclip -selection clipboard”
alias …=‘cd …’ alias …=‘cd …/…’ alias …=‘cd …/…/…’
alias back=‘cd $OLDPWD’
alias ff=‘find . -type f -name’ alias fd=‘find . -type d -name’
alias ve=‘python3 -m venv ./venv’ alias va=‘source ./venv/bin/activate’
alias ping=‘ping -c 5’ alias pg=“ping -c 5”
alias rpi=“sudo rpi-update” alias rpi-next=“sudo BRANCH=next rpi-update” alias raspi=“sudo raspi-config” alias clr=“clear” alias clrh=“history -c -w ~/.bash_history” alias df=‘df -H’ alias du=‘du -ch’ alias mk=“mkdir -p” alias loading=“sudo dmesg > ~/dmesg.txt”
alias ls=‘ls --color=auto --human-readable -al’
alias ll=‘ls -la’
alias l.=‘ls -d .* --color=auto’
alias listkb=“ls -l --block-size=K” alias listmb=“ls -l --block-size=M”
alias grep=‘grep --color=auto’ alias egrep=‘egrep --color=auto’ alias fgrep=‘fgrep --color=auto’
alias diff=‘colordiff’
alias bc=“bc -l”
alias wget=“wget -c”
alias ps=“ps auxf”
alias pscpu=“ps auxf | sort -nr -k 3” alias pscpu10=“ps auxf | sort -nr -k 3 | head -10”
alias psmem=‘ps auxf | sort -nr -k 4’ alias psmem10=‘ps auxf | sort -nr -k 4 | head -10’
alias meminfo=‘free -l’ alias free=‘free -mt’
alias top=‘tput smcup; top; tput rmcup’
Always wear a condom. Never get married.
In the USA shoplifting is up because most states no longer prosecute. Which is also the reason a lot of retailers have or are in the process of closing stores in big cities. Had a friend that worked at Riteaid, once a week several women would come in with trash bags and empty the makeup section. Even with them on video nothing came on it.
A Course in Miracles
Dune. The Wheel of Time series on Prime.
Runs great on my raspberry pi 400. With rpios upgraded to Debian Sid.
I use it on my pi400 running rpios Bookworm. Easier to install things like Okular and other apps without installing all of the overhead of KDE/Gnome. Counting the necessary kde/gnome libs I currently have 33 flatpaks installed.