I mean… What’s worse, what you’ve described, or paying 50% of your income for a basic apartment or else run from bulldozers as a homeless person? At least people had shelter.
What? Is this a reference to the game?
Project Zero Dawn but it’s funded by VCs
I think the last time I played Skyrim, I walked up to Ulfric and shouted him to death. Rest in pieces, motherfucker. Then I turned it off and went on a years long Stardew Valley binge.
I learned Spanish in Honduras. Never heard anyone ever use the Spanish lisp.
It’s a fuckin banger of a quote, but I regret to say that thanks to ADHD-fueled scourings of random internet rabbit holes instead of of doing college work, I’ve read that there’s no evidence Gandhi actually said that.
Yeah, MTG is a flaming dumpster heap of new mechanics every other month; I got sick of it and stopped playing Arena. Then, they had their whole OGL fiasco prompt a whole lot of content makers (who, let’s be real, did a lot of work for Hasbro basically for no cost to the company) to move off of 5E.
While true, can you imagine Fox news’ coverage of just such an action today? He might as well have [redacted] by the way those actions would be portrayed.
Yeah, that’s the money changers. He showed up and saw people doing financial trades in THE temple. It’d be like seeing a western union in the Vatican, though it may have been more extreme. Jesus made a whip by hand, busted in, and started flipping tables and chasing folks with the whip. It seems to be no coincidence that he was crucified pretty shortly after that particular stunt. Everyone in power was happy to roll their eyes and scoff until he touched the money.
Ex-christian here. Jesus wasn’t a doormat and didn’t advocate for others to be doormats. Just because the powerful in society have cultivated their way of reading the new testament doesn’t mean you have to agree with their interpretation. Again and again and again, Jesus speaks out against wealth and power, and got crucified after he pissed off the money changers. Ofc, Jesus isn’t actually followed by Christians outside of the crucifixion bit; who they really follow is Paul, who was actually pretty cool with wealth, power, and the status quo.
In case you’re wondering, my disagreements with the Christian community at large are a big part (but not the only part) of why I’m no longer a Christian. The guy I read about and the guy they seem to be thinking of are two different people. The guy I read about would be chasing the republicans with whips.
Vehicle trackers are cheap and common enough. OP should definitely check for that.
I never understood it, but business owners seem to have utter contempt for the people who actually make their money. I’m not talking about support staff, I mean the people that if they stay home, dollars aren’t getting printed for everyone else. In private EMS, the billing staff would constantly get parties and catering and gift cards and shit, while the crews actually running the calls and writing the billable reports got third-hand furniture, moldy stations, ambulances held together with a fucking wish, and constant bellyaching about how paying the crews minimum wage was costing the company too much money. I’m starting to notice the same pattern pop up between the dev team and the product team as my software company scales.
I’ve hosted exchange students from Asia and Europe, and it seems to be kinda hit and miss with no real rhyme or reason. Sometimes they’re like “oh, yeah, the yearbook, obviously,” and other times it’s like “the what now? But… Why?” Cultural differences are kind of unpredictable, I find. Like, the stuff you think will surprise them doesn’t, but then you offer to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for them and they’re like “WAIT, THAT’S REAL?!”
I logged in just to answer this:
When it comes to stargazing and learning more about the night sky, there is hands-down no better program. It’s available on PC (windows/Mac/Linux) as well as mobile platforms. I used it for months for free before I paid for the premium sub, and the premium sub actually feels additive rather than just gatekeeping essential features. Plus, it’s pretty cheap and you can choose to just buy a lifetime pass for $20 and skip the sub. It’s the only app I’ve ever been happy to subscribe to.
Yeah, I’ve learned some discretion over the years. I once told a story that dead ass got me sent to therapy.
Me telling an EMS war story that brings the vibe to a crashing halt.
Yeah, that’s him. I was curious and looked him up a while back. Tay get really open about speaking for economic and social justice. He’s more or less always been that way. Chocolate Rain, is, IIRC, a song about the realities and struggles of being black in America.
The thing I find weird is when people start interacting with weird Facebook-y political posts, and interacting with them in a pretty strong way. In my mind, LinkedIn is a picture of what you’re like to work with, it’s how you present yourself to prospective co-workers.
This is a mixed bag. Where I get lukewarm is that I’m convinced it’s going to come down to a shooting fight with the fascists at some point, and I’d rather that the people who are not fascists be able to educate and arm themselves appropriately. Don’t bring sticks and bricks to a gun fight and all that.