A lot of travel ones aren’t really intended for anything but hand washing.
A lot of travel ones aren’t really intended for anything but hand washing.
Reputable places won’t print shit that infringes copyright.
I’m not talking about the amount.
I’m saying they’re much less predictable, so nonsense like having obvious signs saying “don’t be stupid” can affect their ruling regardless of how necessary it should be.
Lawsuits often go in front of juries.
Civil juries do whatever the hell they want.
Every step a company takes to make sure that a reasonable customer will avoid hurting themselves makes it more likely a jury will blame an unreasonable one who hurts themselves being unreasonable.
Wishlist vs purchase is already a signal that maybe you’d benefit from a sale. Seems like it’s enough. “Suggested prices” from gamers would be way too noisy to mean anything.
I don’t care visually, necessarily, though that sucks too.
I’m talking about the behavior. The fallen’s tools were built to play together to make encounters play one way, the hive a different way, the vex different, the cabal different. Each set was well balanced inside itself to work, but they also worked well allying with other races.
Their evolution over time has been into gimmicks and spam that don’t make encounters compelling at all.
It’s not the same thing.
It’s downgraded.
Yep, fuck all that.
Ignoring the stuff I paid for, I don’t find any of the content they replaced it with (mostly if you buy more shit) satisfying at all. The original enemies were incredibly well designed and enjoyable. The taken weren’t bad. Most of the rest very clearly didn’t have the time put into designing them. They suck, and I don’t want to play them.
Yep, documentation and a good base level default installation configuration/guide with minimal friction.
I’m perfectly willing to play around once I know at the basic level that the core flow is going to work for me. If it takes me digging through a stack of documentation (especially if it’s bad) to even get something to experiment with on my own system? I won’t bother.
The problem is that there’s a formula.
Games are supposed to progress over time, not just feel like annual copy pastes covered with RNG map spam.
“Don’t buy a game that ships with malware” is a perfectly correct decision, but it doesn’t address the fact that games are shipping with fucking malware.
Yeah, I really have no particular interest in taking my birthday off.
So I’m not big on most of what passes for self improvement material (I think the self help genre is almost entirely trash), but anyone who makes a habit out of trying to make themself better is moving the right way.
It’s worth noting that there will be people who hear the label and react badly, though.
I would argue that the short term pain is worse than hiding it and being with someone who doesn’t know you and can’t understand you, but I can’t promise it won’t be a dealbreaker for someone you really don’t want it to be, either.
The issue is behavior (which is the primary way most of that is diagnosed to begin with).
Acknowledging the behavior and making a deliberate attempt to prevent/improve it is something I would see as a positive sign compared to the behavior without the same steps. Getting a diagnosis (and some type of therapy) is a good thing.
If you consistently treat me badly, the label wouldn’t be why I left. If you make mistakes, but make the regular effort to be aware of them and improve, the label doesn’t matter either.
Because their market share is so bad that they can’t make their money back on their own hardware.
You don’t get a pass on this time until you fix this time by publicly terminating your relationship and paying all the costs you created, including lost business.
By authorizing them as a legal representative, their actions are your actions. Recovering from them is your issue, not the victim’s.
When you hire someone to act on your behalf, all of their actions are your fault. They are you.
I’m not saying this shouldn’t be a huge warning sign not to hire this company to everyone else. I’m saying the only possible way to not be the bad guy would have been a statement “we terminated our arrangement immediately and will pay all of the costs of our mistake”.
They did it on Funko’s behalf, at their direction.
It’s perfectly fine to also blame the partner, but Funko ultimately bears 100% of the responsibility for the actions they instigated.
My favorite is that everyone sends you a silly preview saying “we’ll have your stats soon”.
Just send one.