Look buddy, that’s not quite right!
Look buddy, that’s not quite right!
This meme stung a little
Especially Linux distro! Now, give me a pulseaudio snap package for my Unity desktop.
ducks and covers head
Wet bread from the sink is the mind killer
It looks like ‘ratshit’ is misspelled
I can’t help it,
Help help! I’m being repressed!
I had to look up the panopticon reference, so I thought to share with others: ‘A proposed prison of supervision, so arranged that the inspector can see each of the prisoners at all times without being seen by them: proposed by Jeremy Bentam.’
A nice, dry pair of socks works, too
Looks good.
Don’t stray too far from the desk.
I like the ‘ground up’ approach they mention that doesn’t rely on insecure ‘adversaries’. I’ll check it out soon.
It’s true (and it feels a bit dusty), but it’s still meeting my needs. I hope it’ll get picked up again or perhaps another project will replace it.
Say the line BartGPT
First beans, now beef stroganoff. What will it be next?
I installed a custom launcher that’s close to the stock one on my Pixel 3 specifically to make it possible to remove the Google Search widget. Now I have a Firefox widget that points to DDG.
If any are interested, the launcher is Lawn Chair, and it can be installed via F-droid.
Pls don’t forget! I hope it will be a bowtie noodle recipe this time
Just one more day and it would have been gone forever.