“If 10 people sit on a table with a Nazi, there are 11 Nazis on that table”.
You are not the asshole.
“If 10 people sit on a table with a Nazi, there are 11 Nazis on that table”.
You are not the asshole.
What window? I was talking about DOS.
Imagine if the terminal in the 80s has had a line with auto-completion below the prompt.
But imagine if African or pre-Columbine American mythologies were used to film movies and series.
It’s “chronicles”, not “tales”, sorry. By Edgardo Civallero.
Violence is bad but sometimes it’s needed.
There’s a saga that is about “what if Columbus arrived to America but never got back to Europe?”. It’s “the tale of the feathered serpent”.
You’re description of Notepad++ reminds me of Kate (KDE)
See life from the side of not being the “norm”.
Normal is 104/105. So 57%.
Nobody buys 3 packages at once. If someone does that it raises some alarms. And they come in blisters, not as candy, so your first way of taking them is one by one.
Much faster drinking distilled water.
Paracetamol for me is better for headache and ibuprofen is better for muscular pain.
The size has more to do with limiting use.
I think it could be. I’m not a native English speaker, so…
A reply to a personal email from the direct boss but sending it to every other boss in the enterprise and including something in the line of “stop touching my balls!!!” (“deja de tocarme los cojones”).
Greater good or lesser evil?
I didn’t hear that when Bush was elected, either one.
At? Sometimes I don’t remember it on the fly