what are piano axioms? online searching only leads me to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peano_axioms?wprov=sfti1
just don’t use reddit?
“we set our money on fire and voted for trump. good luck” - boomers
didnt she already do the 1000 in 24 hours?
i just wear dark clothing
why do you keep reposting this nazi shit?
fuck nazi stonetoss.
So execute billionaire CEOs of health insurance companies who have caused untold damage to innumerable regular people on the name of profit?
tell me, how can anyone decide where their taxes go?
office space
I am english, in the UK. I have never heard someone say sinjin instead of saint john. The only thing I can imagine is a local accent? But id think its more like sint jin (sint jawn?)
there wont be
I dont understand why it matters to see the blades?
average monero user
Comes across as a snide non-apology to me. Regardless of whether an apology or whatever is warranted, the phrasing here sounds nothing like an apology if that’s what you’re going for
theres not a huge amount of content posted per minute across all instances. And it seems theres no rate limit in some places for how much can be posted. So a huge batch of stuff is just dumped into a community and it appears in a block in all/new
zuck is a cunt, regardless of his religious leanings