idk, maybe like a server for “-key”-derivates with a community for each individual derivate?
Some of these derivates will be hugh, but reddit-like sites can already deal with communities of vastly different sizes, so whatever i guess.
idk, maybe like a server for “-key”-derivates with a community for each individual derivate?
Some of these derivates will be hugh, but reddit-like sites can already deal with communities of vastly different sizes, so whatever i guess.
except for the first all of these are interesting. As for the first: I am pretty sure there are nazis on both sides, and the Azov-thing is a very very flimsy excuse for the war.
If you can’t afford to tip after getting a new car, you should probably get an older car.
fun fact: most people DO tip for new cars. Only the tip is factored in into the initial price, which already includes 50-100% markup, which gives the dealer room to abate.
multiple processes?!
Anyway, well worth reading his complete works. Good shit. Grab a copy off me.
There is a torrent for the audiobooks, narrated by Wayne June (the narrator from Darkest Dungeon).
Wayne Junes reading Lovecraft is a match made in heaven. I strongly recommend giving it a try
thanks. I forgot about that. But I’d like to add, that this models kind of feels like “donations with extra steps” to me. i.e. you can get it for free, but you choose to pay the developer even though you have to.
because of all the socialist propaganda in it?
there is plenty open source software, that you can buy. There are many modes:
and my personal favorit:
is this true?
tiny bit of a germaphobe
iirc salt is a has antimicrobial properties. So if anything, then licking that salt, will reduce the germs in your mouth. So a true germaphobe would be all over that lamp
are you sure you don’t want to share an indirect kiss with all her past tinder dates?
It is blatant plagiarism
yes, and a solution could have been to cite sources.
This was no innocent mistake of forgetting to list a source
I don’t think, that not-citing-sources is an innocent mistake.
Watch the hbomberguy video segment about it, it paints a very clear picture
I did. I does paint a very colorful picture. Full of opinion and sarcasm and rhethoric.
Here is a rule-of-thumb to decide if an argument was convincing because it had good content, or because it was well written: If the content was good, it will be easy for you explain to a 3rd party. If only the presentation was good, then you will have a hard time convincing others.
guy covers historical event doesn’t rewrite history, instead takes what someone else has written about event doesn’t use own fotos, uses someone elses foto instead makes mistakes
I am not saying this is a big nothing burger, but his only real mistakes was not to list his sources.
what’s wrong with uncle bens?
just reapply the thumbs when she starts to behave. Nobody said anything about making it permanenty. smh…
Classical philosophy used it often,
The earlier dialogues of Plato (424–348 BCE), relating the discourses of Socrates, raised the use of reductio arguments to a formal dialectical method (elenchus), also called the Socratic method.
If you want a more modern source, here is a lecture on the topic:
I can recommend the entire lecture. It’s both entertaining and valuable.
fun fact: this is called “Reductio ad absurdum” and it’s a valid strategy in debate/rethoric.
It works great when countering stupid shit that sounds logical but really isn’t.
if they would stop calling it vandalism, it would take away all the fun