For the “present” of the rest of the universe it is just empty space, the Solar System is in a bubble of spacetime completely disconnected from the rest and continuously shifted 15 minutes.
Software Developer from a germanic region in south Brazil.
I may occasionally post about #software, #dotnet, #csharp, #fsharp, #politics, #theology, #christianity
Politically leaning towards #ChristianAnarchism
ora et labora
For the “present” of the rest of the universe it is just empty space, the Solar System is in a bubble of spacetime completely disconnected from the rest and continuously shifted 15 minutes.
It is a plot point in the sci-fi series Perry Rhodan, where they push the whole solar system 15 minutes into the future (iirc) to hide it from the rest of the universe.
As a theology nerd:
All the parts that show that The Path of Christ is sacrificing oneself for the freedom of the “lesser”.
Which I’d say is most of the Bible, much of the early Fathers’ writings, a lot from Martin Luther (I know he also has some really evil stuff, leave those out), most of Bonhoeffer’s, a lot of C. S. Lewis, and certainly a lot more im forgetting.
Brazil certainly should be broken down by state, I imagine the USA as well.
My state in south Brazil has VERY strict controls on animals entering the state so we can use less antibiotics and other stuff.
A curiosity: despite the common interpretation, the intended meaning of the original painting if there was any, is unknown. It was found on a wall of his house after his death.
Yes, it says it’s forever. The Catholic church does have a doctrine of purgatory, but it’s for the flawed faithful.
But it also treats it akin to a spouse that has been continuously cheated on; all his gifts twisted, broken, and trashed; finally leaving the house.
Or self-inflicted by humanity, God going: “do you really, really want to stay apart from the source of life and all good? Then have it your way… ☹️”
Why? We have the gift of life, even as we choose death, we have good things even as we choose to turn away from good, that is a message of pure love, why is it gross?
These are 5000 years old stories written down 3000 years ago, some study, of course study of context is necessary.
I agree with your point on homosexuality, it also requires study, that’s a reason today’s Christianity is so sick and away from the message of love from the Bible.
You read wrong what I wrote, every moment that is NOT death and suffering is a gift from God.
Satan in this context is not “the most evil entity that has ever existed”, but The Accuser, his objective in the story is to convince God that humans don’t deserve any of the good things He gifts.
God’s point is that He will continue giving us life and good things even as we don’t deserve it.
Yes, languages and words and their meanings change with time, both words were once the same.
Job should be read from the perspective that humanity, by choosing to turn away from the source of all life and good, has only death and suffering as its just existence. Every moment that anyone has that is not death and suffering is a gracious gift of love from God. Job even acknowledges that all he had was not his, just loaned from God.
Zealous not jealous.
I went to theology seminary, no need for copium or spin. One of the professors’ favourite book was Job and he talked a lot about it.
That absolutely is not the nature of God in the OT, but explaining it doesn’t fit this medium. I also don’t know/remember any resources I could point you to, sorry.
In this case it’s more about God being fair and just.
And that description doesn’t at all fit God’s actions in the OT. Although without context and depending on the hermeneutic basis I guess it can look so.
The book of Job is a tale to teach about human nature facing adversity.
Would be biblical. There are many prayer psalms where the author is asking God to avenge him and destroy those who hurt him.
Good thing our immune system is programmed to attack anything unknown on sight, extraterrestrial microbes would have a hard time as they wouldn’t have the adaptations to deal with it.
Similar to abortion, while there are legitimate cases, the capitalistic system will pressure people into doing it to increase profit and power to the elites.
Many of the Bible’s authors seem of the opinion that humanity was created to be co-creators, and that intelligence and knowledge are gifts from God, I suspect teaching rocks to think is something He likes.
I haven’t really looked into it, but isn’t Friendica supposed to be the FOSS Fediverse Facebook?
Both, but the second always gets stuck before the end.
I will never not complain about bugs that obviously someone put in the effort to do the wrong thing when the correct would have been easier.