Oh god, like that Dyson thing?!?
54 kinda sucks.
Ok this made me chuckle out loud.
Announcing FemtoServices™ - One Packet at a Time!
In an era of bloated bandwidth and endless data streams, today we proudly unveil a groundbreaking approach to networking: FemtoServices™ – Connectivity, one Ethernet packet at a time!
I’m trying to understand how this is different than a concept I learned in computer science in the late 80s/early 90s called RPCs (remote procedure calls). My senior project in college used these. Yes I’m old and this was 35 years ago.
Tailscale or Cloudflare will solve your problems.
I had forgotten about this!! I’ll have to start up a VM this morning to check it out.
I remember a podcast I used to listen to a long time ago that argued that MS should just make a fork of the Linux kernel and just make the gui work like Windows. Better security and stability, and huge increase in user base with all the normal Linux users seeing it as viable alternative. I thought it was a brilliant idea. Well except Microsoft would likely have figured a way to kill Linux from the inside.
Libation is your friend.
I doubt there is an adult alive that has kids old enough to have issues like this that hasn’t also had issues like this. They really aren’t that uncommon. Google the percentage of women that get them during pregnancy. And men also can have terrible bathroom habits that lead to them often using the toilet to escape for some quiet time (guilty as charged).
Just remember though, these people wiped your ass for several years so I doubt very likely they will give it much thought.
If my kid came tome with this problem I’d be like “yeah those can be quite painful and uncomfortable, let’s go get this looked at”. Just remember first and foremost, your parents are just people and likely want the best for you. This really isn’t a reason to be embarassed.
I get this reference.
Are couches fertile?
So… more like a butcher?
I thought they were related but not the same species. Apparently a dog is just a sub-species and the actually scientific name is Canis Lupus Familiaris. So TIL… thanks!!
But I was right and they were close enough. I just didn’t realize how close 🤣
Don’t make me google what a wolf penis looks like… I’m just going to assume a dog is close enough.
Granted he is a higher profile target but he likely has lots of cyber security people going over everything on that machine with a fine tooth comb. And he still has a piece of tape over the camera.
I like homarr.
Dad, is that you???
(No joke, my dad had a Chrysler New Yorker that would talk to him and he’d argue this same thing with it. He’d say something else like “Mason is a jar.” ).