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Yes. I prefer my os to be more passively adversarial. Like Gentoo. It hates everything equally.
end users have to deal with it either way
So, normal linux shenanigans.
Not really the biggest, but most complex: the ornithopter set. Tremendous fun, and some of the mechanics feel borderline lego-illegal.
I just pop mine in my mouth every now and then.
Yes. Abolish all sexuality. Ace is the way.
There are ways to do it, buy per the EULA all are not allowed.
You should still do it. But be aware that you aren’t supposed to.
You can do that here, you just can’t sell it and also call it food. You could sell such a thing as a rock with organic protective covering and be as OK as anyone is here.
So, the joke is that it should hide all output.
Challenge accepted!
Fine. *unzips*
But what if I just want to watch others jerk off?
Yes, but 2>&1 > /dev/null
is the real hero.
I only have so many spoons, and the tasks are unending…
Not those spoons, spoons.
When there are no more spoons, you need to just go to bed.
I suspect more people apply for the job that like the taste of dick than don’t.