It’s not conservatives. Conservatives aren’t on Lemmy.
It’s the majority of Democrats who now believe Israel is committing genocide. And who can’t afford housing or groceries
It’s not conservatives. Conservatives aren’t on Lemmy.
It’s the majority of Democrats who now believe Israel is committing genocide. And who can’t afford housing or groceries
I really don’t understand this site’s/reddit’s fear of alcohol. Moderate drinking is not a problem. And it does assist with socializing, which seems like it would be beneficial for most people on here.
The idea that people here are afraid of/resistant to drinking, yet will use cannabis and other materials seems very strange. Just go to the bar and meet some people - it’s fun and it won’t hurt you. Alcoholism is obviously an issue, but alcoholism isn’t caused by moderate drinking. Just don’t be an idiot and you don’t have anything to worry about
There’s a loneliness epidemic and low alcohol consumption rates are a contributor to that
Getting drunk and then talking to a bunch of people you don’t know is how people meet people. That’s an essential and long running aspect of human socialization.
If you regularly talk to new people and make friends in other ways then that’s fine. But clearly the majority of Lemmy/Reddit users aren’t doing that. And young people in general aren’t doing it either. Meeting strangers irl and chatting them up is how you make friends and alcohol facilitates that
You can’t ban something unless it exists and is a part of your society. Alcohol existed prior to Islam in Arabia and still exists there today. Legal Prohibitions do not cause a substance to disappear.
Alcohol is just fermented grain. Everyone had grain. Therefore everyone had alcohol. Including the Americas
So yes, there is evidence of alcohol consumption in the New World prior to European contact. Indigenous peoples in various parts of the Americas developed fermented beverages from local ingredients long before Europeans arrived.
North America: Various tribes produced alcoholic drinks from berries, maize, and other native plants. For example, the Apache made tiswin from corn, and the Chicha was popular among many tribes in North America.
Central America: The Aztecs brewed pulque from the sap of the agave plant. This drink was not only consumed for enjoyment but also held religious significance.
South America: Chicha, a beer made from maize, was widely consumed across the Andean region. This beverage was integral to social and ceremonial functions.
These indigenous beverages varied widely in production, ingredients, and cultural significance but demonstrate that alcohol consumption was indeed present in the New World prior to European contact.
Me? I can’t understand why this is such a weird thing to you people.
And yet you made this post which does the same thing re: alcohol consumption
Wine pairings with meals are a thing for a reason. Milk pairings, not so much
Criticizing alcohol consumption = you sleep
Criticizing milk consumption = real shit
Also, let people dislike things. If Criticism diminishes your own enjoyment of a thing then you don’t actually like that thing
Unless it’s in baking or coffee/drinks or cereal it’s pretty fucking weird to drink it
Maybe acceptable with certain desserts tbh. But not with an actual meal
Who fucking drinks milk when they go to a restaurant
Autism is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be … unnatural
Alcohol has been an essential facilitating element of human socialization in every human civilization since Mesopotamia
Which is cool
Fascistic-Corporate ownership and control of media sources doesn’t seem particularly funny to me, but go off
Nothing on social media is real. Social media trends are never real or authentic. Especially on Tiktok. I have no idea how it could be 2024 and anyone could disagree. Corporations and monied interests entirely control what we see. That should be obvious by now.
This meme is a racist dogwhistle that will contribute to the murder of men of color. Which is what the people pushing it want
Nothing about this has anything to do with protecting women.
It is about using the perceived fragility and patriarchal ownership mentality associated with “our” women to justify increases in crackdowns on men of color and immigrants.
This is just white tears causing black scars all over again. Except this time it’s an astroturfed campaign by fascists to maintain and increase societal fear of men who are Other
Being at risk of being attacked by a sexual predator is neither funny nor cute.
No idea what this is referencing. But I agree that there is nothing cute about fascistic dogwhistles
What is being said is that right wing organizations are utilizing astroturfed faux “feminism” as a dogwhistle to fearmonger about people of color and immigrants.
This is the sort of rhetoric that would be pushed by the Daughters of the Confederacy, and similar groups. It is a mask for hate speech and marginalization, not an authentic expression of feminist values.
Tiktok, along with all social media, is known to be a haven for astroturfed political movements and propaganda campaigns. Strange then how some “people” are unwilling to recognize this bear meme for what it actually is.
The point is that dehumanizing men will have a disproportionate impact on working class men of color and immigrants. Which are groups that are already seen as animalistic and inherently dangerous. Hence the drastically elevated rates of state sanctioned murder of black men, for instance.
When we dehumanize men, the impact on wealthy white men in gated suburban communities is minimal. However the impact on working class men of color from vulnerable populations is significant. The impact on national minority groups is significant.
Which means this “meme” is a dogwhistle. It is barely disguised hate speech that amplifies violence against already persecuted groups by perpetuating the notion that these “animalistic” peoples are more dangerous than wild animals.
This is the same thing Trump does when he calls immigrants rapists and murderers who are poisoning the blood of America. Except this meme isn’t dumb enough to specifically talk about Mexican men - instead, it is making the same point implicitly.
This attitude will perpetuate the culture of violence that targets national minority groups who are already othered. It isn’t funny or cute. It’s a rightwing dogwhistle and it’s dangerous
So you think dehumanizing men will not have an adverse effect on men of color. But are unable to state why.
And you realize that only a racist or a bigot would prefer to encounter a bear instead of a black person, or Muslim, or immigrant. You would have to be a bigot to think any of those groups are “worse” than a bear. Which means a person would be similarly bigoted to prefer a bear over a man. It’s the same principle - discrimination on the basis of immutable traits. Which is universally recognized as a civil rights issue
And men of color and immigrants are disproportionately killed and treated like animals for it
So it’s black men’s fault that the police kill them at disproportionate rates and that society views them as inherently dangerous?
You realize that collective punishment is a war crime, right?
I wouldn’t call it “planned”, average people do stupid things all the time
If I was running a conservative PR firm, or was running a foreign intelligence agency, this is exactly the type of discourse I would want to create within the Unites State/The West
By making the working class/the population at large attack one another, I am increasing internal conflict and decreasing awareness of class concerns. Which is useful if I am opposed to working class/national solidarity
Well, all Muslims are being accused of this. Rightfully so. From my point of view, the scenario illustrates that a Jewish person has to consider a Muslim that she doesn’t know to be at least as dangerous to her own personal safety as a bear and act accordingly. Even Muslims she knows well may still attack her.
See the issue? Dehumanization and prejudice on the basis of immutable traits is wrong - both factually and morally
The only attacks on minorities that I’ve observed on here are attacks on those who think Gazans should not experience genocide.
Plenty of people on here who simp for the American ruling class though