I must protest the no beans
That’s what I always say. Never enough beans.
Why would she? It’s a laptop, not a desktop ;)
I think aiming back/down towards the spinal chord/medulla oblongata, not up, would be more effective in guaranteeing death. That said, suffocating on an inert gas would likely be less painful as you’d pass out after only a few seconds and then die within minutes. Don’t ask me how I know.
Convicted rapist Brock Turner is his full title.
Real or not, many likely echo a similar sentiment of frustration. Much to think about.
Calm down, Emily Gilmore.
Just stop eating at McDonalds in general. There are equally as pricey but healthier and tastier burger joints out there (or both). Check out your local restaurants; they’re likely on par in price.
I mean that it’s whimsical. Very fun for the ears to a non-native speaker.
You should hear Dutch
Eating garbage food will also make you feel bad, no matter your age.
I used to eat junk food a lot in undergrad, and since I developed a tolerance/got used to feeling shitty I didn’t realize how much it impacted me day-to-day. Once I started grad school I shifted to healthier eating (real, unprocessed food), and quickly noticed how much better I felt, how much more energy I had. Now if I eat fast food (rarely) I always feel like crap right after the meal.
Billionaires are a cancer. If we don’t remove them soon they’ll kill us all.
I think for some it’s a mix of patriotism and having poor taste in decor. I know people who also have American flag swim shorts, sunglasses, etc. Also, it’s not exclusive to America. My British side of the family (especially the ones who’ve met the former Queen) have a weird amount of UK flag decor too, ranging from clock faces, throw pillows, and even an armchair covered in a giant union jack.
Feisty, sure, but that’s his style. He’s the love bug, unlike Horace.
The only self driving car that can be trusted.
MD crabs are soooooo good. I’ve eaten a dozen every Friday all summer.
I agree. I currently live near den Haag and the food leaves something to be desired. Kind of a surprise that a country so close to France - a culinary pinnacle - hasn’t picked up a thing or two.
I’m not a fan of fizzy water either. Plain or flavored.
Sometimes a small cold Gatorade does the trick for me.