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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • In a past life I took a bunch of physiology and advanced physiology courses at uni, as well as epidemiology/ population health focused courses and worked with a lot of people on their overall health and fitness. There are so many good reasons to make time for cardio. Ignoring calories for a minute, it has an overwhelmingly positive effect on mental health and wellbeing as well as significantly reducing disability adjusted life years, maintaining balance and strength into old age and reducing the risk and severity of falls as well as a host of cardiovascular diseases.

    Heavy cardio also has a startlingly fast positive impact on the visual appearance of your body even in caloric balance, which can go a long way towards keeping you motivated with any dietary changes you may be making.

    Having said all that, I find that for those who are just starting their fitness/weight loss journey cardio exercise can set off an absolute rocket of hunger that can potentially undo a lot of good work. I know for me, that hunger after a really hard run can far outweigh the calories I have just burned on that run.

    For sedentary individuals just coming to the table, I had way more success in terms of both results and adherence by using programs where the cardio component kicked off with fast paced walking or hill walking for many months before trying to introduce running, swimming or other forms of higher intensity exercise. All of this backed up by a solid resistance training program.

    Once you are starting to see concerete progress towards your goals with something as easy as WALKING and a few weights multiple times per week it’s way easier to stay on track once the hunger kicks in after your first few runs.

    The battle is real.

  • They probably should question them. Even something as seemingly benign as Paracetamol is not without its issues if used too often, or after alcohol. It can do serious harm. Most medicine can.

    Another fun medicine fact. Australia banned the sale of pseudoephedrine from store shelves quite some years ago to try and reduce domestic amphetamine production. Ever since, all of the major pharma brands have sold phenylephrine based cold and flu medicine as a replacement. Our Therapeutic Goods Administration recently found that this preparation is no better than placebo. We’re talking about a billion dollar industry that has been knowingly selling snake oil for ten years.

    I guess what I’m saying is a healthy dose of skepticism and knowledge seeking should be applied to anything you are putting in your body or exchanging money for. The pharmaceutical industry are not saints. They’re just as driven by profit incentives as every other business.

  • I was at an xmas party one year where the workshop boys did this with an upturned 44 gallon drum. It was the loudest bang I’ve ever heard. I thought we were under some sort of attack.

    They expected the drum to launch a little but what actually ended up happening was the upturned metal bottom blew off and launched a LOT punching a hole in the workshop roof. It’s a miracle that nobody was hurt (their hearing probably was). Somehow they didn’t get fired.

  • I had hoped you just missed a decimal point but it seems you did not.

    I’ve lived on the coast of Australia most of my life, but I moved a good couple of hundred kilometres inland last year. I’m really looking forward to having waterfront property again pretty soon.

    Hell, it’s already too hot for human habitation here most of the year. I might as well enjoy the view before I croak.