If you parse out random words from the bee movie to fill in the fields and change IPs every few minutes, gonna be tough
If you parse out random words from the bee movie to fill in the fields and change IPs every few minutes, gonna be tough
I think the reason may be two-fold.
The first part, in the eyes of most older people, a man is not supposed to be emotional or give into their more “feminine” feelings. This means they don’t want their wives or children to be the ones that hear the things that concern them or probably scare them, deep down. Most of the stances of conservatives seem rooted in fear, not reason.
The second part is that you are another man, a younger man, and because they don’t know you well you are less risky to tell these things to. They can confide their fears in you because you are a young man, with a life ahead of you and you’ll give them an ear even if you don’t intend to. Really they are probably hoping someone will hear them even if they can’t really pour their hearts out.
I think my main concern is FreeIPA’s longevity. As a tool, it’s rather outdated even in its latest version. It works, but the upkeep on it is not quite robust. Its implementation of AD standards are also limited. This is why I’m looking for an alternative to FreeIPA.
Yeah, users in AD and the FreeIPA replacement essentially handles the SSH key management + middle-man the auth to Linux servers.
Biological functions would also be impacted
Get your own Arris Surfboard without the Router elements, make sure it is DOCSIS 3.1 and the maximum bandwidth exceeds your current speed provided by the ISP. I would recommend the SB8200 but check with your ISP to guarantee that they will accept a connection with that model.
Purchase any router you like. I’m sure you can find plenty of router recommendations online. If you wanted a rack router you could even get one of those, but it sounds like you just need a solid wireless router that has good coverage and a few ports on the back, which is pretty standard.
There are no rules against non-English posts. If you can’t understand it, don’t vote against it. That’s a discriminatory reaction, just keep scrolling if you don’t read Japanese. If the mods want to restrict languages, they have every ability to do so.
American here, proud to see we started a trend. (And that’s pretty much the only thing to be proud of as an American)
At every single company I’ve worked for this has been the accepted form of opening an email. There are hardly any circumstances you should be using “Dear (insert name here),” in a work email.
Sounds like BS to me. Anyone can host PDFs on AWS and spoof US government agencies, look up C.A.P.T.C.H.A. Congress. No hits for it. Did Russia hack into US government servers? Probably. Nonetheless, this reads like a scare piece and not a legitimate communication from the DoD.
The senior dev left monitor looking like those Instagram posts that increase your phone brightness by 100x
What do you mean? You don’t write your email in your IDE and lint it before copy/pasting it into Outlook (or email client of choice)?
Our eyes also have the ability to desensitize to higher levels of light input, so the sun at high noon will be really bright but it’s the same as if you were in the complete dark for an hour and walked out into a brightly lit room. The eye gets used to the bright light. The same thing happens walking inside a low-light house from a bright day, it will take a minute to adjust but once you do your eyes have a completely different perception of light intensity.
With the solar eclipse, even 1% of the sun showing still lights an area greater than indoor lighting or perhaps even outdoor lighting, so we perceive it as still somewhat bright. This is sunset-level sunlight but the source is above instead of behind the horizon.
Or Ed is maintaining the servers full-time and doesn’t have time for your desktop/laptop issues
At what cost though? Like a single parachute without an automatic release system costs hundreds, if not thousands. You multiply that by 150 and it’s infeasible. Now include an automatic deployment system, and we’re talking tens of thousands per unit. Not including maintenance and repairs, long-term storage costs, the added weight on the plane. All these costs would be added to passenger tickets at a markup, so that $450 flight across the country is now a $700 flight. The risk also still remains because of depressurization issues, even if you make it to the surface your blood might boil in your body and still cause you to pass.
Logistically, plane accidents that result in loss of life are so rare that it would make more sense to equip every car in production with ejector seats then it would to equip every plane seat with automated parachutes.
If you want to build a background removal tool from scratch that’s a project of its own. This shows you how to very simply remove a background with a pre-existing tool that other people have spent the many hours to get functional so you can do the five-minute tutorial.
It’s not the Arch Linux way, it’s more like the Ubuntu way.
I literally thought about this on my flight a couple weeks ago, if the plane loses power in the air most people in the plane are just gonna go down with it. I imagine most if not all passengers have no idea how to properly operate a parachute.
Hey, if you understand Python it makes sense. If you’ve used the PIL before it makes even more sense. If you don’t understand Python, you should probably start by understanding Python.
That first name is despicable, I love it