Variety is the spice of life. I’ve used Slackware, Arch, Gentoo, Fedora, Nix, been on Debian the last few years. Been looking at setting up my own UBlue image. I really like the immutable thing. Do whatever makes you happy…
Variety is the spice of life. I’ve used Slackware, Arch, Gentoo, Fedora, Nix, been on Debian the last few years. Been looking at setting up my own UBlue image. I really like the immutable thing. Do whatever makes you happy…
Yo, just keep it down. I’ll share my ants, as long as you don’t reveal my secret.
This reminds me of the time I got a mouthful of ants. Bastards were climbing all over my straw, and it was to dark to see. 0/10 would not recommended.
I have a 650m from 2013 (almost 10 years) and there are zero working drivers aside from noveau ones.
Emailed! It fails while trying to submit a fully written application.
This is a an amazing concept! I created an account (same name as here). And tried to sign up for the beta, however the submit application button is not working for me. I’m using Firefox on android.
I know this is anecdotal, but when I was first diagnosed with depression they put me on medicine that made me devoid of feelings like your explanation. Well fast forward a few years and a new doctor. Turns out I’m bipolar, and being on the right medication has been SO helpful and such a night and day difference.
and others who are listening to this stuff for the first time are getting confused and upset thinking he’s a terrible person.
I’m not an Eminem fan. But didn’t he beat his wife?
Could it be that it just introduces additional attack vectors?
Do you have any high quality resources on testing you would mind sharing? I’m mostly a self taught programmer who loves TDD, because I’m shit at writing code.
UBlue is a tool the fedora team created to build immutable distros in a container. This is a list of official distros created by it. If you’ve seen Bazzite it was also created with UBlue.
Immutable distro just means the root filesystem is mounted read-only. So when you do updates, they create another image of your filesystem with the updates applied. Then you have to boot into the new filesystem. This is called an atomic upgrade. So if something is broken, you reload your last image and everything is fine.